Thursday, October 28, 2010


We get a choice. Use it.

Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily Life is But a Dream

For all you Mark Steyn fans out there, his book America Alone projected that by 2020 Europe would become Eurabia. It looks like his projections may actually be a little conservative, at least in England, where "Mohammed" has become the most popular name for baby boys. Row, row, row your boat...

Abortion/Breast Cancer Link

Chuck Colson reports on the link between abortion and breast cancer, which most media are loathe to publish. Nevertheless, the link is well demonstrated, as this quote from a pro abortion researcher illustrates:

"Dr. Janet Daling, a cancer epidemiologist who supports legal abortion, says, 'I would have loved to have found no association between breast cancer and abortion, but our research is rock solid, and our data is accurate.' And in 2007, the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons found that women who have an abortion increase by 40 percent their risk of breast cancer."

Abortion claims way too many victims. It's time we as a society rethink and at the very least severely limit this awful procedure.

More Evidence of Global Warming Accumulates

The photo is from Timberline Lodge preparing for an early opening this Friday, October 29. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Is America in Denial About the President?

My friend Al Lyons sends this opinion piece from Fox News which asks whether the U.S. is in denial about its Chief Executive. I have thought and posted for some time that Obama simply does not have a sense for the heart of this country. If, in fact, he will only love it if the U.S. conforms to his vision of what it should be, then there is going to be trouble. If the elections polls are right for 11/2, then that trouble is already here because a majority of Americans, Republicans and Democrats, like the U.S. as it has been historically conceived, thank you very much. If the polls prove true, it will be interesting to see Obama's response.

Detroit to Become Detroit Lake?

I like this ballot measure. Detroit, Oregon is deciding whether to change its name to "Detroit Lake" next Tuesday. The sponsors of the measure don't like their city to be associated with the crime-ridden, dilapidated Motor City located 2000 miles to the east. Can't say I blame 'em. Located on the shore of a beautiful lake in the Cascade Mountains, the two have nothing in common, so a rousing "YES" on this measure. Please forgive me in advance, though, if I still say I'm going fishing "up at Detroit" - it is hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Who Got Stimulated?

Deroy Murdock, a columnist for Human Events and a fellow at the Hoover Institution for War and Peace at Stanford, has collected a couple of charts that clearly show who was stimulated by the $814 billion economic stimulus package. Enjoy - and remember on November 2!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Junk Expands to Fit Available Space

Anyone who has their own place knows this is true, which is why I am against Measure 71. This measure would allow limited (right!) annual sessions. The problem with the Oregon Legislature now is that they dork around for most of the session posturing for their constituencies and playing political games and then, with the end of the session approaching, they get semi-serious and pass some legislation. I don't see how adding more time will do anything but extend the time for the politicians to expand their shenanigans. Texas, which is a heckuva lot bigger than Oregon ( and has a much better economy I might add) is limited by its constitution to legislative sessions every other year and for only 140 days and they do just fine, thank you very much. Sorry all you political junkies, but Oregon does better when you guys are not in session passing some of the mega-duds of legislation coming out of Salem of late, so a big "NO" on 71!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Counting the Cost

On the front page of this morning's Statesman Journal was a picture of Kevin Mannix and Lane Shetterly debating the merits of Measure 73 which would impose longer prison sentences on sex offenders and other convicted criminals. I know Shetterly and he is a nice guy, but his argument that Measure 73 will cost too much is specious. Why? An editor with a sense of humor gave the answer when he/she ran a lead story at the top of the second section entitled: " Public Warned About Sex Offender."

It seems that although this sterling example of rehabilitated humanity is presently out of the joint, the authorities think the chance of him re-offending with little girls ages 8-14 is about 100% and imminent. When he does, how much do you think it will cost in wrecked lives, counseling costs, police investigative costs, prosecution costs, and another round at the joint? I'd rather just avoid all the costs to little girls, their families, and the law enforcement system and pay for an extended stay at the joint. I realize this cuts into the funds that politicians have to fund their pet projects, but oh well; I always thought that one of the paramount obligations of government was to protect its citizens. So sorry Lane and up with Measure 73!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Shot for Fraternizing with the Enemy

The Left finally got Juan Williams. He is a Fox contributor and I have always thought him to be a decent guy, even if many of his opinions would drive me a little nutty. Nevertheless, the Left has never liked him even appearing on Fox and now they got him.

Juan made the mistake of saying that if he got on a plane and saw some Muslims boarding it made him nervous. Imagine that! He correctly acknowledged in the same segment that we need to be careful not to blame all Muslims for terrorism, but no matter. He broke ranks with the Thought Police and that requires exile, at a minimum, so NPR fired him. Sorry Juan, but we're all known for the company we keep. Keep checking your 6 bud!

Who is Subsidizing Whom?

Today's Statesman Journal has an article about Oregon getting $2 million to build charging stations along I-5 for electric vehicles. Isn't that special?! Quaere (I have always liked the Latin word for "question" - it's much more erudite): Who buys electric cars? Hmmm...

The Chevy Volt is over $40.000. The Nissan Leaf that is specifically mentioned in the article has an MSRP of "only" $32,780. Both of these have been heavily subsidized by the Feds in R&D. Even with a tax credit of $7,500, they are both quite expensive.

The median U.S. household income for 2008 (last year available) was $52,029. I don't think this income range is probably a good target market for these cars. They would struggle with a car in the mid-teens, if they could afford a car right now at all.

How about families in the $100,000/year bracket? Well, maybe - if they aren't sending their kids to college with no financial aid, saving for retirement, worried about losing their job, etc. How about we double it to $200K per year? Now we may be getting in range. Except people at this level who own businesses are also saving for retirement, maintaining cash to even out cash flow in these hard economic times, plowing money back into their businesses, sending kids to college with no financial aid, etc.

But there are those in this range who have no kids, love being green, and have a reliable SUV or Audi in the garage as a backup when they really need to get somewhere ( remember these electric cars have a whopping 50 miles on a good day range) and can afford the price tag to show how green they are. And it is these folks, mi amigos, that we are subsidizing with $2 million charging stations. Makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over doesn't it? Pass the wine and Brie please.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Recommended Attire for Drinking Corona

Just when I thought I knew a lot about beer, I get humbled. Newsflash: DO NOT drink Corona with lime at the beach without proper safety gear!!!  That's right, a new report says that if the carbonation in the beer accidentally sprays you it can, in combination with the lime, leave spots all over you like age spots that last for months. So put the swimsuits away and put on the right stuff. Or go with the leopard look. Or just forget the lime, which I always thought was an affectation anyhow. Cheers!

There Be Monsters There!

This is the short name from the Democrat's playbook for the strategy used when one of their incumbents is in trouble, as is Peter DeFazio in Eugene. DeFazio is the guy who voted against Obamacare because it didn't go far enough! Yikers. Art Robinson, an internationally known scientist with very impressive credentials in many other areas as well, is running against DeFazio and running very well. So well, in fact, that the Dems have pulled out their "There be monsters there!" gambit to turn him into an evil, slobbering monster with giant tentacles who eats children. Forget mere lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! It's a total crock, of course, as this article lays out in detail. Vote for Robinson if you live in the 4th Congressional District. If you don't, send him some money, and read about how the crap merchants smear good people. Leave Halloween for the kids.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Chilean Miners - The Rest of the Story

I always liked to listen to Paul Harvey for the rest of the story behind the headlines of the day. I posted earlier on the massive rescue effort for the Chilean miners and how the private sector stepped up and got the job done, but the rest of the story now emerging is that God was with the miners in a very present way and it is a story that needs to be told. Where is God when it hurts? In this case, He was a 1/2 mile down in the earth with these men, as well as on the surface and around the world with their rescuers. Gracias a Dios!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Viva Chile!

The rescue of the miners in Chile has been a wonderful and welcome change to the usual drudge of the news. The whole world watched with delight as the miners came up one-by-one to the cheers of the crowd on site and the tearful hugs of loved ones.

There is a back story, though, that the Wall Street Journal reports that is worth knowing and that is that private businesses from the U.S. and around the world were the ones that made it happen, not the government. To be sure, the Chilean government to doing everything in its power to save these men, but from the drillers to the drill bit, to the drilling rig (U.S.), to the drilling cable (Germany), to the fiber optic cable that allowed visual and voice communication (Japan), down to the socks with copper wire (U.S. again) that kept the miners' feet dry and free of infection, it was the private sector that stepped in with the expertise and the unwavering commitment that ultimately led to the television pictures that made us all smile. So good job Chile - we are glad your people are back safe and sound! But great job to all those folks in the private sector who made it possible!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Statesman Journal Addicted to Lame

I thought the New World Order had arrived the other day when I saw that the Statesman Journal had endorsed Chris Dudley for governor. "You can teach an old dog new tricks!", I thought with a smile. Alas,  I have just read this morning's edition and we are urged to give Kurt Schrader another shot at screwing up the country from Washington, DC rather than letting Scott Bruun go back and begin repairing the damage. Sigh.

Here is the newspaper's reasoning in a nutshell:

"He is moderate, he listens, he is accessible, he stands to up his party leaders when necessary and he represents Oregon well."

Oyvez! Where does one start with this statement? When did he stand up to party leaders? On healthcare? Nope. On anything of substance? Nope. The Democrats have replicated Sherman's march through Georgia behind Generals Pelosi and Reid, pillaging the country's basic institutions and values, and where was Mr. Schrader? Marching along obediently behind and voting with them 97% of the time, albeit in a flannel shirt and Rockports in a low key Oregon-sort of way! The whole darn house is on fire and instead of putting it out he is looking and sounding like John Denver while saying incisive things like "Gosh, we hope it will be okay." No, the SJ is addicted to lame.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Holy Grail Pushed Back a Year

Remember the Chevy Volt? This is the hybrid car built by Government Motor Company with lots and lots of taxpayer dollars that was going to launch the U.S. into automotive Nirvana. Al Gore's legs were already tingling. Well, hold the phone and Al, break out the Gold Bond powder.

Actual road testing on the Volt has begun and tech writers are throwing brickbats at the car, charging that they were misled on the mileage. In all-electric mode under ideal conditions with no air conditioning, it got 31-35 miles on a charge. Gas mileage was only slightly higher. Big whoop. My daughter just drove a 2003 Honda Civic from Oregon to Colorado and got almost 40 mpg. I guess we'll just have to wait for Nirvana. I'm shocked, shocked!

Friday, October 8, 2010

What's Wrong with this Picture?

A commentator on the Hannity show last night asked whether anyone else found it ironic that many of the same people in California who have restricted tobacco smoking almost out of existence in the state are fervent supporters of the pending Proposition 19 to legalize dope. Good question.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pol Pot Theater Presents...

You may have read in the news like I did that the Greens were getting some flack for a commercial they had run to allegedly fight global warming that showed, among other things, exploding children. "Okay," I thought, "the Greenies just went a little too far and got caught." Little did I know.

I just watched the video and I am near speechless, which is alright since words don't do this piece of vile and twisted excrement justice. Pol Pot undoubtedly wrote this piece and mass murderers John Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer (a cannibal too!) handled production. C.S. Lewis said that evil is banal, like Heinrich Himmler. He is right and most of the time this is true, but occasionally the mask slips and the grinning skull behind it peeks out and we see Auschwitz, Buchenwald and the Killing Fields of Cambodia. This film clip provides that same sort of chilling glimpse into the totalitarian souls of people who have not only drunk the Kool Aid, but bathe in napalm, spray it on their children, pets, plants, etc., and then light it all ablaze. This is a look at a Nazi's soul and down into the mouth of hell. It is not for children, but it needs to be watched to understand what we are dealing with.

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Constitutional Crisis “Madam Speaker, where specifically does the Constitution grant Congress the authority to enact an individual health insurance mandate?”

Pelosi: “Are you serious? Are you serious?” “Yes, yes I am.”

That is a jaw-dropping statement coming from the Speaker of the House. The Constitution of the United States was specifically designed to limit government. "Progressives", including President Obama, have long chafed under this "obstacle" as it reigned in their dreams to use government to remake society in the way they thought best instead of letting each person pursue happiness as they saw fit. What is so disturbing about the above quote from Nancy Pelosi is that it makes clear that the Democrats have now dispensed with even the pretense that they are considering the Constitution and are moving ahead with the New National Order with impunity.

The November 2010 election is really about those who acknowledge Constitutional limits on government and those who do not. The term "Progressive" is a misnomer - such people are really for unrestricted state power to do what they want under the cover of governmental action; to favor whom they will; to arbitrarily decide who we are, what we think, and how we will behave. This is an idea much older than the Constitution and one that the Constitution sought to change in this country by making the United States a government of laws, not men, with the cardinal principle that no one is above the law. Not even Nancy Pelosi and her ilk.