Friday, July 27, 2018

Sir, There's the Little Matter of the Check?

In Other News, an Incident was Reported in New York Today ...

During a news conference this week when Nancy Pelosi was issuing her usual dribble about Republicans bad/Democrats good, she gave an unguarded look at how she views the largest single attack and loss of life ever inflicted by an enemy on the American homeland, referring to, " ... when we had the 9/11 incident ..." Incident? Incident?!!! 3,000 innocent people lose their lives and it's an "incident"? Sort of like in the police reports when " An attempted break-in was reported at ..."? 

Pelosi and her ilk are dangerous to the health of this country. A terrorist nuclear attack on an American city might rise to the level of a "regrettable matter" in their eyes. The murder of an American citizen by an illegal immigrant definitely counts for nothing at all, even in broad daylight in San Francisco like Kathryn Steinle. They are dangerous because they care for nothing except getting and using political power imperiously without humility, wisdom, or much of a soul. Dangerous.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Why Didn't I Think of That?

Venezuela has a new take on economics that progressive politicians in the U.S. will undoubtedly follow. In June Venezuela was reporting a minor problem with inflation due to its socialist paradise economic policies of an inflation rate running at 46,000% annually. Yes, 46,000%. What to do? Why lop off some zeros on the numbers of course! That's right. The current Maximo Jefe, His Excellency Maduro, issued an edict to simply delete 5 zeros when talking about inflation. I am sure this will be the panacea to all the country's economic problems. Socialists love to issue edicts. Reports from Caracas say he is going to do this next with the sun and gravity. Salud!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Say What?

I see the Iranians are threatening us with the "Mother of All Wars" if we don't back off on them. Hmm... where have I heard that phrase before? Oh yeah, Saddam. How did that work out for him?

Friday, July 13, 2018

Political Theater in DC

Three Democratic House members recently introduced a bill to abolish ICE, the agency responsible for enforcing our immigration and customs laws. Speaker Paul Ryan thought it was a great idea and immediately began the process to schedule the bill for debate on the House floor. Then, like Napoleon retreating from Moscow, the walking-it-all-back began. The Three Amigos dropped a press release accusing Ryan of playing politics and saying:

“If Speaker Ryan puts our bill on the floor, we plan to vote no and will instead use the opportunity to force an urgently needed and long-overdue conversation on the House floor.”

What integrity! DC insiders say that FBI agent Peter Strzok was a consultant to the Democrats on this production.