Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Reality Behind Current Events

As Spring belatedly begins to make an appearance Washington continues in its usual disarray. Despite having been given control of the White House and Congress, Republicans still can't get anything done. Democrats are collectively having a full-blown seizure spewing spittle and uttering guttual sounds from deep in their throats while their eyes have roll back and they twitch uncontrollably at the name of "Trump." Closer to home, the Legislature is in session and Our Finest (by their own proclamation) are studiously avoiding the PERS unfunded liability of $22 billion dollars and spending time with bigger things like enhanced penalties for "left lane hangers" on I-5, probably because Portland Democrats can't get out of Hicksville fast enough. So let's talk about Easter. 

Easter is glorious, the most important day on the Christian calendar because we remember and celebrate that through Christ's death we have been reconciled with our God. It is easy to let Easter become ho-hum, however, because we don't really understand what this means. I am reading a new book entitled Imagining Heaven and the author says:

"I'm convinced a main reason many people (Christian or not) live materialistic, self-centered lifestyles is their poor view of the life to come. They can't imagine Heaven, so they don't live for it." 

Mea culpa. If Heaven is a bland, amorphous place where everybody sits forever in some kind of church service, it's hard to get excited, especially if we have a brochure of Maui in our hand. But fortunately, Heaven is not like that if we are to believe the experiences of people who have had near death experiences (NDEs) and who have talked about it.

The forward to the book is written by a pastor who had been declared dead at the scene of a horrendous traffic accident but sprung to life quite a few minutes after medics had placed the sheet over him. The Heaven he describes is anything but boring and the sense of overwhelming love was, well, overwhelming. A number of other accounts are offered and the important point the author makes is that they are all consistent with Scripture. 

As I am preparing for Easter I am trying to imagine what Heaven looks like because I want to understand, to the point that a human mind can, the enormity of the Prize that Christ won for us and then try to live with that finish line in view. As C.S. Lewis said,

"Aim at Heaven and you will get earth 'thrown in'; aim at earth and you will get neither."

Thursday, March 9, 2017

You Really Put a Spell on Me

You may have read that recently a gathering of witches put a curse on President Trump. Andrew Klavan has the inside story of these strange goings-on and it's worth your while to read what the Dark Side is up to.

Monday, March 6, 2017

W's Metamorphosis

W is undergoing a remarkable metamorphosis in the media and on the Left. Why? He's said some nice things about the press and some mildly critical things about Trump. Take Glenn Greenwald, for example:

“2005: George W Bush is a pillaging, torturing war criminal who let a city drown. 

 2017: I may have disagreed with Bush but he was A Good Man™.”
Ain't no hypocrites here. Glenn, he was always a good man.