Monday, November 30, 2015

The Useful Idiots on Campus

The phenomenon of “political correctness” is, in fact, an updated version of the “party line” -- a stock feature of the organizations of the Communist-progressive left. The utility of a party line lies in the way it demonizes opponents, converting dissent into deviancy, while requiring its adherents to reduce complex realities to political formulas, which deprives them of the ability to learn from their experiences.                                                                                                                           David Horowitz

We know who the sheep are. Any guesses on the shepherds?

The Syrian Refugees

What to do with the Syrian refugees? What do we do? Conceptually, the answer is not as difficult as we might think, although it is expensive and a massive undertaking.

Most of these refugees are not keen on leaving the Middle East in hopes that they can go home some day when the evil and madness has run its course. Accordingly, the most appropriate response is to build and adequately maintain refugee camps on the periphery of Syria, probably in Turkey and Jordan primarily. This should be a joint effort of the UN, the EU, the United States, and the Gulf States, as well as any other powers that want to constructively participate. There should be a wide buffer around these camps on the Syrian side of no fly/no go zones that are backed up by serious military muscle. 

There are some people that we may want to settle in the West: those compromised by working with Western NGOs or governments, Christians, and those needing specialized medical treatment. This does not include thousands of able-bodied young men outside of these exceptions that we somehow feel guilty about excluding. They stay there - no guilt. 

In the meantime, a Western coalition like Desert Storm needs to be assembled to go in and clean out the nest of vipers that is ISIS, and anyone else who fits the general description, as in sanitized, goy-goy, good bye. Little love taps don't do the job. Let these vermin face armored divisions and see how tough they are. Will there be civilian casualties? To be sure, but there is no choice now and the problem will only grow if we let it fester. 

Eurabia will eventually happen due to misguided European policies, but neither they nor we need to accelerate the process by throwing open borders to refugees, many of whom are Trojan horses just dying - as in Paris - to get in. It's time to quit the hand-wringing and intramural feuding over letting them in or not. Build it in the Middle East and they will come, then get to work so they can go home again. 

Observation Point

Worry is temporary atheism.
                                     Randy Alcorn

Sunday, November 29, 2015

So How Serious are We?

The CIA says that we avoided hitting ISIS oil wells for fear of environmental damage. These same wells, BTW, provide the majority of funding for ISIS terror tactics around the world. Question: Do these folks have any idea of how many fully loaded oil tankers were sunk off the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coats during WWII by the Germans? Or Japanese tankers by U.S. subs in the Pacific? Or even the Kuwaiti oil wells set in fire by Saddam as he retreated in Gulf War I? Amazingly, we're all still here. These guys are clearly just play actors in some silly kids' show, not people qualified to direct the best military in the world.

Unleash the Salami!

The police chief of Washington, D.C., Cathy Lanier, recently said that if members of the public finds themselves in a situation with an active shooter, the best solution is to try to overpower and subdue them. Of course, the same Chief Lanier is very committed to strict gun control and keeping guns out of the hands of even citizens with concealed-carry permits. Well, chief, do we throw salami at them? Call them names? Our CINC now says that new climate change legislation being debated in Paris will strike a "resounding blow" against ISIS, so we turn up the air conditioning? Sheesh.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Toxic Academy

American universities have become toxic, as Dennis Prager explores in Townhall. Examples? Consider these from the University of California official "Micro-aggression Manual" -

"There is only one race, the human race."
"America is a melting pot."
"I don't believe in race."
"America is the land of opportunity."

These are all statements that a majority of Americans can agree on, but N-o-o-o, not at UC. No indeedy, these are examples of speech banned as examples of "white oppression" or who knows what other delusional bilge. But wait, there's more!

That's right. Students at the University of Missouri, having fired the president, now want to erase Thomas Jefferson. Princeton students want to delete Woodrow Wilson, the one-time president of Princeton before he became President of the United States. Sure. No problem. History can be written and re-written according to the whims of the day. History is what we say it is. 

The problem is obvious - think George Orwell and 1984. "There is no truth. We will tell you the truth du jour, so just shut up and do what we tell you!" That is the goal of every totalitarian state, whether left or right. We will think for you - you are a tool, nothing more, to be used by the State for the "greater good" however we may define it at the moment. This is what these repositories of the West's precious history of individual worth and all the ancillary grand ideas have become - vats of intellectual poison that have dissolved away the spines and souls of all who enter. I hope that we have our own St. Patrick and his remote island to preserve the precious heritage of the West as the Dark Ages sweep across the land.  

Sunday, November 8, 2015

This Kind of Change I Can Believe In

A fresh wind may be blowing through the House. Paul Ryan just completed his first week on the job and the initial reaction is pretty good from the conservatives who ousted Boehner:

"A week into Ryan’s tenure, members of the House Freedom Caucus are crediting the speaker for delivering on his promise to open up the legislative process, and delegate authority to rank-and-file members.

And though the outcomes of the new process did not go how conservatives wanted – the House passed a transportation bill that isn’t fully funded, and permits the revival of the Export-Import Bank – Freedom Caucus members insist that more open debate will allow for their ideas to eventually win out."
I have liked Ryan and supported his election to Speaker while holding my breath that he wasn't going to pull a Boehner once he got there. So far, so good - keep it up Paul!

They Did Fight for Their Country

My friend Jay Jamieson wrote a reply to my blog on the thumb-suckers at SPU the other day that deserves it's own space as Veterans Day approaches, so without further ado:

You might want to remember the The 4th Marine Division. In WWII they fought  (and won) the Marshall Islands, Saipan (my 19 year old cousin was KIA there), Tinian and Iwo Jima. 

These veterans, who were then ages 17-22 for the most part, are now in their late 80s to 90s. They are old and tired and cannot keep the Fighting Fourth Association going. I am an associate member. I received my last Fighting Fourth magazine this week....  "The Final Muster" and they are signing off and disbanding because they are dying.

At a final color Parade at Camp Lejeune, NC  Major General  James L. Jones, 32nd Commandant of the Marine Corps, said this;

" The valor and sacrifice of the Marines and Sailors who fought on Iwo Jima is, today and forever, the standard by which we judge what we are and what we might become."

Another piece of the Greatest Generation is put to rest...  Sorry SPU is offended.. SPU  has the freedom to snub these guys because these guys fought, bled and died so we could continue to live in the greatest country on God's green earth.....

Semper Fi, 4th.... May your remaining days here on earth be happy and peaceful.  You earned it. You deserve it! 

As do all of you who faithfully served in our country's armed forces. Thank you for your service. 

Socialism Just Works

Oh yes it does - to royally screw up an economy. Venezuela became a Socialist Paradise under El Jefe Hugo Chavez. It has stayed on course when he died and the fruits are now being enjoyed by all. For example, everybody in Venezuela can now revel in the fact that french fries are back for lunches at Micky D's:

"After a potato shortage forced McDonald’s to remove them from menus, Venezuelans will now once again be able to purchase French fries at local franchises — made using only local ingredients, and costing about $133 for a large serving."

"Hello Central Planning, this is Bernie Sanders. About those potato crop allocations, we gotta talk."

Saturday, November 7, 2015

They Didn't Fight for Their Country

Our youngest went to Seattle Pacific University for 2 years and generally speaking, we have had a good opinion of SPU. Until now. 

In preparation for a Veteran's Day Chapel service, the university chaplain has decided to delete the presentation of the colors and the Pledge of Allegiance, saying that there are diverse religious traditions amongst students at the school and the American flag and the Pledge might offend someone. So what country's vets fought that they could enjoy such freedoms? Hint: wasn't Sweden. If some weenies are offended, so be it! This country is being run by infantile thumb-suckers.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Lighter Than Air

But stinky. A Singapore Airlines freighter was air lifting 2,186 sheep from Australia to Indonesia and ran into a little problem when the sheep started farting en masse. The crew, presumably donning their oxygen masks, decided to divert and land after the abundance of methane caused smoke alarms in the aircraft to go off. The plane landed safely with the help of the self-produced tailwind but the crew could not be reached for comment because no one wanted to go near them.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

A Minor Problema

NASA just released a new satellite study that Antarctic ice is growing, not shrinking, as previously claimed by Global Warmists. Darn it's an inconvenient truth when the data just don't match your predictions!

Politics Isn't Everything

If you've watched Fox News at all, you've seen Bob Beckel, a pugnacious, old-line Democratic operative who occasionally gets himself bleeped out of conversations on The Five. Cal Thomas writes a very nice column today about his friend, Bob Beckel, and his new book, I Should Be Dead: My Life Surviving Politics, TV and Addiction. They are an unlikely pair, this conservative Republican and Democratic operative, but Thomas sees past the political to the heart of a man, which Beckel himself reveals in his book:

"I have known Bob for 20 years. I have traveled with him, shared meals with him and listened to him share deeply personal things, which only happens when one is a trusted friend. The real Bob is the one who rescues drunks and gets them into treatment programs; who talks about and loves his children, who cares deeply for the poor and underprivileged and who is able to see flaws in his own party, as well as in the other party."
Thomas is practicing a trait that should be normative for all of us - charity in outlook; we all fall short of the glory of God. And not surprisingly, God is involved in the story of why Beckel is not dead, as Thomas highlights:

"In his remarkable book, Bob reveals some of his failings, challenges and temptations, not to glorify them, but to give the reader a sense of the magnitude of the grace of God, Who rescued him in his darkest hour."

I once was lost, but now I'm found. Would that all of us have intimate personal familiarity with the truth of this verse. I am happy that Bob Beckel and his friend Cal Thomas do.