Tuesday, October 8, 2019

A Sanity Sighting

My first post for 2019 and we're on the last lap of the year. My how time flies! I have been fed up with politics and the general social stupidity playing out in so many areas of American society. Here and there, though, glimmers of sanity are peeking through. 

South Park is a cartoon of social commentary that punctures about every pompous idea and blowhard on the social landscape. China has been throwing its weight around among U.S. bigwigs recently for daring to criticize China for anything, especially its heavy-handed tactics in Hong Kong against protesters who simply want the The Mainland Borg to do what they previously agreed to in the treaty with Britain turning over the city to Communists. In response, NBA owners, the biggest U.S. tech companies, politicians, etc. have all groveled at the Red Borg's displeasure, not wanting to interrupt the warm flow of cash from the Chinese teat. South Park too was chastised by the Chinese Borg for a satire against Emperor Xi and the two guys behind the cartoon, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, also assumed the position and "groveled" - well, not so much:

Like the NBA, we welcome the Chinese censors into our homes and into our hearts. We too love money more than freedom and democracy. Xi doesn’t look like Winnie the Poo at all. Tune into our 300th episode the Wednesday at 10 p.m. Long live the great Communist Party of China. May the autumn’s sorghum harvest be bountiful. We good now China?

You dare defy the Emperor Xi and the Red Horde!!! Well done, fellas; so unlike the jellyfish masquerading as American business and political leaders. It is so refreshing for a little sanity and American chutzpah to peek through the daily crap.
