Saturday, September 27, 2014

Connecting the Dots

The Oklahoma beheader has now been connected to the same Imam at the Boston mosque that the Tsarnaev (as in Boston Marathon bombing) brothers attended. In turn, the "good" Imam had ties to the late Anwar al-Awlaki, who was in al-Qaeda's top echelon until he was assisted to the Great Hereafter and his date with his 72 virgins courtesy of a Predator drone in Yemen a few years ago. 

Naw, there's no pattern here - we shouldn't profile or watch these guys. If we do, it should only be if we also keep a watch on Lutherans and Episcopalians to be equal in our treatment. These guys are killing us - it's no longer future tense. How long America before you wake up? Unfortunately, a lady in Oklahoma will never wake up on this side of heaven again.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Die Vaterland

Michael Reagan and Peggy Noonan have a good point - where did this word "homeland" come from in referring to the United States? They don't like it and neither do I. 

It came into vogue after 9/11 - remember the new Department of Homeland Security? Noonan commented at the time:

""'Homeland' isn't really an American word, it's not something we used to say or say now. It has a vaguely Teutonic ring -- Ve must help ze Fuehrer protect ze Homeland! -- and Republicans must always be on guard against sounding Teutonic."

All true. Americans are patriotic but it's O beautiful for spacious skies and "God bless the USA!" and not Die Vaterland. The "homeland" reminds me of the goofy hats President Nixon had the Marine band wear when they played at the White House to look more like European capitals. Let's be true to who we really are - ditch homeland and go back to the good old U.S.

Imminent ISIS Hit?

ISIS is the real deal evil, as their long list of recent atrocities prove including the beheadings of several Westerners. Iraqi intelligence says ISIS is planning a hit on U.S. and Paris subways. New York and Paris police agencies are very good at thwarting this sort of thing, but other cities aren't up to the same standards. Stopping a suicide bomber is very difficult and allegedly these guys have been working on newer and much harder to detect bombs that may slip past security screens. Soft targets like subways and shopping centers have long been An Achilles' heel for Western countries. I hope that we don't take a hit there now.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Nanny City of the Northwest!

Breitbart reports that:

"The City of Seattle just passed a new trash ordinance that would fine residents and businesses for throwing away too much food.
The new rules would allow garbage collectors to inspect trash cans and ticket offending parties if food and compostable material makes up 10 percent or more of the trash."

Just Bad Staff Work?

Does this guy get a pass on everything? Speaking at the UN yesterday, President Obama was noting that the U.S. isn't fighting all Muslims in attacking ISIS (which is true) but singled out Sheikh bin Bayyah as a Muslim committed to peace. The Sheikh has an outfit called the Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies. Of course it's also a front for the Muslim Brotherhood and this same gentleman also called by fatwa for all Muslims to slaughter U.S. troops in Iraq in 2004. Hmm.

Perhaps it is just a lack of fact checking by staff. Perhaps. Or perhaps The President of the United States has decided, for whatever reason, to tip the scales in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, as is now believed by the likes of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other Arab states. Whatever else it is, it is incredible that a President of the United States singles out for praise in front of a world body a self-avowed enemy of the United States.

Coffee - I Need Coffee

If anyone loudly blesses their neighbor early in the morning, it will be taken as a curse.

Proverbs 27:14

Some people are morning people; some are not. I am not. Scripture is full of wisdom - be forewarned you cheery morning people. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The End Game of Obamacare

And I do mean end. This is an article that everyone should read. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of Rahm Emanuel, the mayor of Murder, Inc., a.k.a. Chicago, wrote a piece recently for The Atlantic that as John Nolte, the author of the article says should really be entitled, "Top 15 Reasons Why No One Over 75 Should Receive Healthcare." Emanuel says that it's only about himself and why he pretty much has a duty to die after age 75, but he lies. And why would I say that?

Emanuel is also one of the key architects of Obamacare replete with its Death Panels. Sarah Palin was roundly mocked for her description of the unelected, unappealable overseers of the healthcare that people would or would not get through Government health insurance. Assumptions are necessarily built into any decision-making system and Emanuel's charming view of life - you get treatment as long as you are of use to the State - is built into these panels. Palin was spot-on. 

President Obama was asked by a citizen at a campaign stop whether his plan would cover his mother in her 80s who needed some serious medical treatment. Mr. Obama demurred and said in so many words, perhaps it's better if we just give her painkillers and then, like the alien to the President in Independence Day, she should just "DIE!" 

Nolte says:

"Not everyone on the Left is as coldly robotic as Emanuel, but there's a strain of this thinking throughout the Democrat Party; the idea that individual liberty and the rights of the individual must be subjugated by the need to perfect society and the future."

And how do you get there as a society? Why death of course!

"Abortion is a perfect example. Unwanted children mess up society. Unborn children with handicaps are imperfect and have no place in a society striving for perfection. So they are stripped of their rights, and as a result, by the millions, we break their spines and suck out their brains and call it "choice."

It is not an accident that Obamacare wants to force abortion on everyone, even the Catholic Church and other Christian institutions. This is the "why."

The end-game of Obamacare isn't more affordable healthcare for more people. It really has nothing to do with healthcare. It has everything to do with moving this country toward the Left's perfect Utopia - toward the gas chambers, as it were:

"What's so unsettling is that Emanuel and his ilk aren't trying to save money or improve quality of life. The endgame with ObamaCare has nothing to do with that. ObamaCare is the vehicle and this "cost-saving" propaganda is nothing more than the roadmap to crafting the Left's twisted version of Utopia."  (Emphasis added)

These people are cut from the same cloth as Hitler, Himmler, and the rest of the despots of history who had a vision of Utopia burning like a fever in their brains and who were determined that the rest of their fellow citizens would fit into their vision regardless of what it took to get there. And damn you, literally, if you don't fit.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Rules for Democrats

Saul Alinsky was a radical who specialized in political judo, that is taking down a much larger and more powerful political foe using specialized tactics. Both President Obama and Hillary Clinton are among his disciples. Here is Alinsky's Rule 12:

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.

The picture at left is an illustration of how it works.

The Koch Brothers have become the embodiment of political evil for the Dems. Harry Reid seems to be the chief evangelist at the moment but pretty much all Dems begin to feel their legs twitching and have spittle form in the corner of their mouths when they hear the Satanic epithet: "he Koch Brothers!"

Now open the attached list of top donors from 1989-2014 to political campaigns. What we find is that of the top 10 donors, only 3 are not unions or front groups for the Democratic party and Goldman Sachs is arguably in the former group as well. Any guesses where their dollars went? And lo and behold, the slimy Koch Industries were a miserly #58 on the list. That is how Alinskyism works. Say it long enough, say it loud enough, and people will believe it is true. 

Another devotee of this same technique was a guy named Adolf in Germany back in the 1920s-1930s. That didn't end very well for anybody. I'm sure that couldn't happen here. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Never Forget!

Anti-Anxiety Drugs and Alzheimer's

French and Canadian researchers report a correlation between use of anti-anxiety drugs like Valium and Xanax and developing Alzheimer's. This can occur in as little as 90 days. Shorter term usage does not appear to raise this issue.

This could be a real problem for the U.S. because Valium was the #1 anti-anxiety drug in the 1970s and Xanax took its place in the 1980s and after. Even now, Valium is the #13 most prescribed psychiatric drug.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I Can Do What I Want!

Indeed you can, so long as it is not criminal behavior and even that is rapidly changing, but a new study from MIT concludes that if you want children who succeed in life, a little cooperation is the ticket. Specifically, children who are raised in two-parent homes have much better outcomes than those living with a single parent:

"Due to lower marriage rates of less-educated males, their children face comparatively low odds of living in economically secure households with two parents present. Unsurprisingly, children born into such households also face poorer educational and earning prospects over the long term."

This in turn can lock in generational cycles of poverty, something of which Sen. Daniel Moynihan warned all the way back in the 1960s:

"Even more concerning is that male children born into low-income, single-parent headed-households—which, in the vast majority of cases are female headed households—appear to fare particularly poorly on numerous social and educational outcomes. A vicious cycle may ensue, with the poor economic prospects of less-educated males creating differentially large disadvantages for their sons, thus potentially reinforcing the development of the gender gap in the next generation."

Single parenthood has been a growth sector in the the U.S. across all racial demographics and if this study is accurate, it does not bode well for the development of capable adults. Seen at a macro level, this means that the fabric of the United States will be less strong, less resilient, than in decades past and that is a problem since the world we live in is changing faster and more violently than ever before. 

The traditional family has been under attack for some time. If we really are serious about meeting the challenges of the future, policies that strengthen the two-parent family would be a crucial place to start. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A No-Brainer

Sen. Ted Cruz has introduced a bill in the Senate to require the revocation of the passport of any American fighting for ISIS. This is what should be a no-brainer, but is being undertaken because the State Department announced earlier that revocation would not be automatic in this situation. Of course, who has accused anybody at State of having brains for some time?

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Pass the Novocaine Please

We just got a Groupon for "An Evening with Yanni." Really, is he still around? I would think that you could get a week with the guy for that price. You would have to pay me $40 to spend an evening with the Yannster. No thank you.

Running for Cover

Gov. John Kitzhaber and Senate President Peter Courtney ran for cover this week with their announcement that they were "abandoning" Cover Oregon, the $300M national laughingstock of a program "implementing" Obamacare. Tough call guys! I know, you were against it before you were for it. And I am sure it has nothing to do with the upcoming election. Love the fix too - dumping Oregonians into that gem of a Federal Obamacare website. Perfect. 

While we're at it Gov. K, could we talk about the $190M Bridge-to-Nowhere, the Columbia Crossing project, that spent all that money and had not one shovel of dirt turned to build it? 

Is it any wonder that Blue States are so hot to legalize dope? A stoned electorate is a docile electorate.

Nowhere Man

"If you don't know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere."

Henry Kissinger

Friday, September 5, 2014

A Classic Story Re-told

As told by Erick Erickson in Townhall in a piece arguing that President Obama isn't checked out at all but doing what he always said he would do:

"A few weeks ago, I had dinner with a sitting governor and a dear friend of mine. The friend leaned over to the governor and me and said Barack Obama is to America as Clarence the Angel was to George Bailey in "It's a Wonderful Life." Barack Obama is showing the world what it would look like had America never been born. As this friend later wrote, 'Unsurprisingly, Bedford Falls is now Pottersville, and it's a terrible place. Unfortunately, we do not get to revert to the tolerable if modest status quo at the end of the lesson: George Bailey will eventually have to shell the town and retake it street by street from Old Man Potter's Spetsnaz.' "

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Great Question

A number of unidentified cell towers not belonging to cell carriers like Verizon and AT&T have been spotted around the U.S. that are picking up routine cell calls and doing who knows what with them. As the article points out, the NSA doesn't need this technology to make its intercepts (that's a whole separate issue) so who is behind these and what are they doing? Great question. Is anybody asking?

There Are Heroes

Fr. Emil Kapaun/Korean War

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Nicely Done!

Kudos to all of you who have taken the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS and sent in your check! In one month the Challenge has raised $101M while the Feds have kicked in $39 million to ALS research all year. Folks, we can do it ourselves if we get focused. Well done!

Not Gonna Make This Shot

President Obama said yesterday that he wants to work with U.S. allies to make ISIS a "manageable" threat. Sure, like a rabid dog can be made manageable, right? Good luck with that. What's today's tee time?