Thursday, July 30, 2020

Geniuses at Work

Would you mistake this flag for the Confederate battle flag? Me neither. But that's exactly what a bunch of people did with a Norwegian flag flying at a B&B outside Lansing, MI, forcing the owners to take down the flag. And once again proving once again - you can't fix stupid.

Pot Calling Kettle Black

Democratic Chair of House Committee Jerry Nadler accusing AG Bill Barr of endangering the Committee's health by not wearing a mask. You cannot make this stuff up.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

WAT?! A Politician Does What He Promised to DO?

One thing coming out of the Covid-19 crisis that was glaringly exposed was the almost total reliance of the U.S. on China for prescription drugs - even the ingredients to make them. The obvious answer was to on-shore production again and President Trump promised to do just that.

It was just announced that a Defense Department Production Act loan of $765M is being made to Eastman Kodak to launch "Eastman Pharmaceuticals" to begin making the base ingredients for generic drugs. The company has seen hard times with the almost total transition to digital photography, but retains considerable expertise with chemicals. If the drug ingredients are made at Eastman's complex in Rochester, NY, it will also be a boon with new high-end jobs back in this country. A double win for all concerned. 

I Mean It - I'll Shoot

Apparently the Feds, in trying to protect the Federal Courthouse in Portland by putting up a temporary fence, have encroached on a city bikeway WITHOUT A PERMIT! OMG!!!! The City of Portland, in a rare "get tough" moment (and not directed at the rioters, of course) has said that it's going to FINE the Feds $500 for every 15 minutes the heinous fence stays in place. President Trump is undoubtedly shaking in his boots. How about this? The Feds will start docking Federal aid to Portland in the same amount every 15 minutes? Better yet, the Feds will cut off Federal aid altogether. How 'bout them apples?! As the general handling the rescue efforts in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina said about some folks, "You can't fix stupid." Indeed.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Vipers - II

Black Marine veteran Gabriel Johnson waved an American flag during one of the now continuous Portland riots, was chased by fellow blacks in BLM garb with baseball bats, and then followed home by a woman who showed him a video of their path and told him that they knew where he lived and were keeping tabs on him. She had an Antifa pen and was talking on a walkie talkie. Oh, and he saw a 65-year old black man get the bejeepers beat out of him when he tried to stop the protesters from burning Johnson's flag. Black lives matter, except when they are black lives who disagree with the political agenda espoused by the vipers masquerading as protesters.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Camouflaged Vipers

To try to gain legitimacy, Antifa adopts the coloration of a host protest group, like those protesting George Floyd's murder, and at an opportune time emerges from their camouflage to begin wreaking mayhem and anarchy. The embedded video in the linked article clearly shows this tactic in living color. They march with other protesters dressed in shorts and t-shirts, break off to the side and change behind large BLM banners into their black "working" uniforms replete with brass knuckles, body armor, etc., and then emerge to push to the front of the crowd and attack Chicago police officers. This is undoubtedly going on in every other major American riot venue (f.k.a. "American cities under Democrat rule").

Interestingly, these same tactics are used by Leftists around the world to destabilize governments. They are not legitimate protests but are intended to destroy opposition by violence and intimidation. In so doing, they are walking in the footsteps of their Nazi Brownshirt predecessors of the 1930s and the CCP thugs currently in Hong Kong. And this political performance theater is all played out on the "stage" of American cities, inevitably run by Democrats, who are sacrificing their cities, businesses, and citizens, for the "greater good."  

For the rest of us who have never desired to live in places like Nazi Germany or Communist China, it is rapidly approaching critical decision time - do we go along to get along or do we start acting like Americans again and make robust use of the unalienable rights recognized by the Constitution? Many have said that the United States will never fall from a foreign enemy, it is only from within that it could happen. True - and they are knocking at the door.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy Independence Day

Critics say that America is a lie because its reality falls so short of its ideals. They are wrong. America is not a lie; it is a disappointment. But it can be a disappointment only because it is also a hope.”     Samuel Huntington

Despite all the riots, the lies, the perfidy by politicians, the United States still stands for hope. Stand with her this Independence Day and work toward more perfectly realizing her hope for all in the future.