Friday, October 28, 2016

Seismic Shocker

A Federal jury in Portland - Portland - yesterday acquitted all the defendants of all charges in the Malheur Wildlife Refuge occupation case. From a legal standpoint it was a shocker. I certainly cannot explain it and neiher could the U.S. Attorney from the accounts that I have read. But I cannot help but wonder if this portends a much greater shock on November 8. 

Most Presidential election polls show the candidates anywhere from neck-and-neck to Hillary mopping the floor with Trump. A professor at SUNY - Stony Brook, however, has said that Trump has an 87% probablitly of winning the race and he has accurately predicted the winner of the last 5 Presidential elections. 

It's hard not to interpret the Portland jury's verdict as anything else but giving the Italian salute to the whole "Establishment" and recognizing that government is way, way out of touch. If that can happen in Portland, it can happen anywhere - sort of a precursor smaller earthquake to the Big One. Perhaps the professor's prediction is not nearly as far-fetched as it might seem. Could be an interesting election night.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A New Protected Minority?

When dealing with controversial subjects like transgenderism it is sometimes helpful to use analogies, like this one:

“I want you to imagine the struggles of a fellow student. They feel they don’t belong in their body. They were born the wrong shape, and when they look into a mirror, they see something alien, it isn’t them. This fellow student will go to any lengths to become the person they KNOW they are on the inside. It may involve drug usage, mutilation, or starvation.” said MILO.

“You may think I am describing a transexual, but I’m not- I’m describing a young person with Anorexia Nervosa. Anorexia Nervosa is a mental disorder. When detected, the sufferer will receive counselling and other mental health treatment to stop their destructive behaviors and learn to recover both mentally and physically. Many sufferers of Anorexia end up leading normal and productive lives, and even maintain a healthy weight.”

Milo paused before, saying “Now imagine if Anorexia was on the LGBT spectrum.”

I wonder if John Lennon did, Imagine that is. This short article is worth reading because Milo, flamboyant though he is, makes a telling point that is actually a very sane one. He discusses how with a transgender person we now encourage their "identity" and provide surgery to help them achieve their "real self" etc., etc. Why you can be anything you want to be! Only deep down we know that's not true but we pretend until that person is lost. Oh well. Pontius Pilate has become the new American Idol for a large part of our citizenry - What is Truth? And up becomes down, male becomes female becomes...

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Good Samaritan Redux

Today's local paper had a very interesting letter to the editor. The letter writer was recently in a local Salem eatery and saw a homeless woman outside. His sense of pathos was sparked and he went outside and saw a city meter reader and asked what he and the city could do for this poor unfortunate. The city employee "... was sympathetic but seemed hardened to the situation...: and alas could do nothing. The writer continued, "Frankly, I couldn't hold back the tears but just returned to a meal that I could not finish." He continued to watch the public's reaction as they walked by and ignored the homeless woman in all her wretchedness and finally could hold it in no longer - "Is this what our country has come to? It broke my heart!"

Oh the angst! Oh the pathos! Oh the moral preening! Oh why didn't you get off your butt and do something if you were really moved?! Which of course is the point of the original story of the Good Samaritan. It wasn't the religious leaders of the day who were proclaiming their love for their neighbor as directed by Scripture that did the will of God, but rather the heathen Samaritan who actually hauled the injured individual to an inn and paid for it out of his own pocket.  Luke 10:25-37. Moral of the story: You can't save the world but you can do something about the person in front of you if you get off your patoot and take action. 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Decay and Corruption

Trump's comments that were revealed this week bring into sharp focus the monumental amount of corruption in our whole society. His comments were despicable and he richly deserves all the condemnation that he is getting. But if we look solely at Trump's corruption we fall for the magician's sleight of hand that directs the audience's attention one way to divert it from what is happening with the other hand. 

Trump is not unique. Hillary is just as corrupt as Trump but her corruption manifests itself in a love of money and power. Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, is every bit the sexual predator that Trump is. And many, many of the other politicians, corporate executives, entertainers,athletes, etc. who form the "elite" of U.S. society are as corrupt. An honest and ethical public man or woman is a great rarity now and we are reaping the fruit of decay that has sunk into the marrow of our nation. 

So what does this mean for the November election? Probably nothing. But I will literally be praying that Trump for once in his life does the honorable thing and withdraws in favor of Mike Pence. I don't expect it; I don't foresee it, but I will pray for it. This is a God-level action with our nation's future at stake that would require a God-induced change of heart on Trump's part. I don't expect it of the Democrats as they are way too far gone and proud of it. We have become Rome and unless someone is willing to sacrifice and do what is right, whether it is Trump or Hillary in the White House, it will not matter - we will suffer Rome's fate at the hands of the ever-present barbarians. 

Is This Heaven?

The Cubs and the Beavs winning on the same day? Ahhh...