Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Draw Near

I came across an interesting concept today that I had never heard before - "thin" places. This is an old Celtic idea that heaven and earth are separated by only 3 feet, but at some points on the planet the gap is even narrower, hence "thin" places. The Celts would make pilgrimages to thin places to get closer to heaven. www.explorefaith.org/mystery/mysteryThinPlaces.html

Perhaps there is some truth to this idea. I do believe that the spiritual realm is much closer than we think. As the Bible says in Hebrews 12:1, for example, we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. I have certainly been to places where I have felt God's presence more closely, but I suspect it involves more the life of the believer than the physical place.

James 4:8 says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." Thus, when we set out to find God, lo and behold, He finds us instead. When that happens, wherever we are becomes a holy place, a thin place if you will. God isn't limited by geography, even inter-dimensional geography, but if there is a place where you find it easier to draw near to Him, then by all means go there frequently and call it whatever you will. He will be glad to join you.

Monday, May 30, 2011

In Memoriam

In memory of the many who have died serving our country and especially to our family and friends who are now gone or were KIA: Bernard Stein. Bob Stein, Henry Stein, Harry Whitehead, Ernie Fund, Randy Ramsden,  Al Wipf, Roger Jamieson, John Cameron, Warren Lewis. Thank you for your service. We miss you.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Dangerous Time

Thoughtful people have been warning that the United States is in serious trouble, both in foreign and domestic policy. The latest is recently retired Secretary of Defense Robert Gates who chose a  commencement address at Notre Dame to sound the alarm on defense cutbacks. Gates has served in three Republican and two Democratic administrations and knows whereof  he speaks. The Weekly Standard took note of his remarks and they are worth reading.

Gates first made the trenchant observation that:

      “If history—and religion—teach us anything, it is that there will always be evil in the world, people bent on aggression, oppression, satisfying their greed for wealth and power and territory, or determined to impose an ideology based on the subjugation of others and the denial of liberty to men and women.

This is what separates conservatives and liberals and Gates is definitely in the former camp. This is what makes a strong defense so necessary - kumbaya doesn't cut it - which point he reinforced by stating:

     “More than any other secretary of defense, I have been a strong advocate of ‘soft’ power—of the critical importance of diplomacy and development as fundamental components of our foreign policy and national security.” But, said Gates, “Make no mistake: the ultimate guarantee against the success of aggressors, dictators, and terrorists in the 21st century, as in the 20th, is ‘hard’ power—the size, strength, and global reach of the United States military.”

Despite this, the U.S. has embarked on massive cuts to the defense budget that have gone beyond fat to muscle and even bone, and this Gates cannot abide. One example is air power.

You cannot run a successful large-scale military operation without air superiority. Period. This in turns requires the best aircraft and lots of them, as well as well-trained pilots. Current American fighters are getting long-in-the-tooth. Despite the lesson of history learned through hard, sometimes brutal, experience the U.S. has stopped F-22 Raptor production at 195 aircraft. This is the best fighter in the world, bar none. In an exercise in Alaska 12 F-22s were deployed against 75 F-15s and F-16s. The score at the end of the exercise was 144-0 in favor of the Raptors. Ostensibly, the ending of F-22 production was in favor of the new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) which, although not as capable as the Raptor, was more stealthy and capable than the current stable of American fighters. Now, however, Congress is talking about substantially scaling back the F-35. At some point in the not too distant future the current crop of F-15s, F-16s and F-18s will be grounded because their airframes are simply worn out. This is already happening with the early models of these aircraft. And what will be there to replace them and deal with the tyrants of this world? Apparently "Change you can believe in!" and not much else.

This is a dangerous world that is getting more so every day. Nuclear weapons are proliferating, as are chemical and biological weapons, sometimes into the hands of terrorists. We seem to be becoming a Prozac nation dreamily ignoring reality as long as the Prozac of government benefits keep coming. Bob Gates is warning that what is coming our way will not be pleasant if we continue collectively to stick our heads in the sand. We tried it in the 1930s and it did not work out very well. I hope this generation does not repeat history.


Romney Likes Ethanol

And I don't. Ethanol lowers the efficiency of gasoline-powered engines by 10% or so, eats hoses, gaskets, and fuel tanks, increases food prices and lowers production of food crops - all at a subsidy cost of $6 billion a year. Mitt is a suck up. Tim Pawlenty, who is also running for President, went to Iowa and told farmers that love ya' but we can't afford ethanol and its subsidies and problems. We need a President who will lead and not kowtow to special interests. Romney doesn't fit the job description.


Friday, May 27, 2011

A Young Man's Thoughts Turn to...

Here are side-by-side pictures of Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, and President Obama, taken in their early twenties. Netanyahu is a graduate of MIT and his picture here is showing him as a leader of an elite Israeli commando team, the Sayeret Matkal, which is the rough equivalent of the U.S. Delta Force. Obama? Well, he had a good time in college. Who would you rather follow in a tough situation?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Immigration Law

The Supremes just upheld an Arizona law by a 5-3 margin that punished employers for knowingly hiring illegals. The import of this decision is that states have a Constitutional power in the immigration area contrary to the Obama Administration's argument that it is solely a Federal power. As other cases percolate up to the appellate courts, they will now have to be considered on a case-by-case basis, most notably the immigration enforcement bill enacted by Arizona last year that caused all the stink. It is heartening to know that Federalism lives - we are still a Republic - and that is good news for freedom!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

An Instant Classic

Looking at the list of Best Pictures for the last 15 years, I am at something less than .500 on those that I liked. Last night, however, we watched The King's Speech and it truly was one of the best films that we have seen in a long time. It's a nice movie and there are far too few of them these days. The themes are the ones that we all experience in real life, albeit played out on a grander stage: fear, friendship, duty, persistence, courage, disappointment and hard-won triumph. Colin Firth deserved his Oscar for Best Actor. Geoffrey Rush deserved one as well. Across the board this was a well acted movie that did not rely on computer-generated special effects, blowing things up, naked bodies, juvenile antics, comic book heroes, or anything else other than real life struggles superbly portrayed by actors at the top of their game. It is a classic that will stand the test of time.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Why I Can't Support Newt

"Newt Gingrich, GOP 2012 Candidate, Loves ABBA's 'Dancing Queen,' Calls 'Mamma Mia' Amazing"--headline, Daily News (New York), May 20

WSJ, "Best of the Web", 05/23/11

Friday, May 20, 2011

Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah

It's time for Republican Presidential candidates to quit yakking and start telling us what they will do if elected. We get it. Obama's domestic policy stinks. Check. Obama's foreign policy stinks. Check. But what will you do differently? Kim Strassel of the WSJ makes the point in more depth but we arrive at the same conclusion: put up or shut up! We have big problems and we need big answers that may not be all sweetness and light, but let's get the heck on with it.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dirty = Healthy

There has been a 400% increase over the last 50 years in kids with allergies, hay fever, and asthma, according to Dr. Aoi Mizushima of the Providence Medical Group Family Practice. Girls have been hit harder than boys with these maladies. And what does the doctor order? Get your kids outside and let them play in the dirt!

Basically, playing outside for extended periods toughens our auto immune system and allows us to successfully handle allergens and other external aggravating factors. The more that kids stay inside, the less their auto immune systems are forced to handle these sorts of things so that when they are exposed them, voila - big problem!

So there you have it - a simple Rx and no co-pay. Have lots of old towels, though, in the garage.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

But Will He Pull the Trigger?

My last post dealt with reports that Iran is building a ballistic missile base in Venezuela. Some will argue that Ahmadinejad only wants to intimidate us - he would never be crazy enough to use them. Really?

Consider the Iraq-Iran War of the 1980s. Iran was getting beaten badly by Saddam. They needed to mount a major attack to even things up but they had to get across major minefields to do so. What to do? Answer: send thousands of Iranian children walking ahead of the troops into the minefields and clear a path with their exploding bodies. I kid you not. 450,000 children were sent to the front to be "martyrs for Allah." The regular troops were sickened by the carnage of seeing the falling body parts raining down from the sky, so the handlers began sending the children out wrapped tightly in blankets to prevent the unsightly "rain" when the little kids blew up. Oh yeah - Ahmadinejad was an enthusiastic trainer of these little martyrs.

Still want to bet that this guy isn't crazy enough to pull the trigger? Tell you what - you stand in front of the gun.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Defensive Only I'm Sure

Several sources are reporting that Iran has bought land for an intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM) base on the Paraguana Peninsula in Venezuela. Iranian IRBMs have an estimated  range of 1,200 miles or so, but experts have consistently underestimated their missile program. Miami is about 1,350 miles away, New Orleans is 1,900 miles away - you get the picture. In fact, if you had a couple with 2,600 mile range, you could pop two at 300 miles above Kansas City and fry the entire electrical network of the U.S. with the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) for 2 or more years including computers, cars, airplanes - pretty much everything that has a computer chip.

The Monroe Doctrine was first articulated in 1823 by President James Monroe and stated that other powers should not mess in the Western Hemisphere and that we reserved the right to take action if they did. I suggest that a revival of the Monroe Doctrine is in order and make it very plain that this site - or anything remotely like it - will never go operational. Period. Is anybody in DC listening?


Monday, May 16, 2011

Truth or Consequences

Noted young evangelist Rob Bell has a new book out that softens the edges on the Christian doctrine of hell. I haven't read the book yet, but I have read a number of reviews, including Chuck Colson's below. Basically, Bell goes universalist and says that all roads lead to God - it's so much easier to market Christianity this way. Colson disagrees, as do I.

C.S. Lewis has a quote that that ultimately there are only two types of people in the world: those that say to God "Thy will be done." and those to whom God says "Thy will be done." Hell, as it were, is the price for free will. If we choose to be apart from God, He will honor our choice. Man is ever selfish and would dearly love to be free to make whatever choices in life he desires and not have to face any consequences. Of course, one is not really free if there are not consequences to one's decisions. God has made it amazingly easy - accept His Son as your Lord and Savior and you're in - but you still have to choose. I hope Mr. Bell recants because he is not doing anybody any favors in the long run. Choose this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

I Want to be Alone

It is an understatement to say that members of the US Special Operations community don't like publicity. Why? Because it can get them killed. Little details that are exposed can help hostile forces  plan how to foil a visit by US operators and there have been a bucket-load of details exposed from the bin Laden raid. We know that a new stealth helicopter was used, they had helmet-mounted cameras, the weapons used, on-the-ground tactics and that it was SEAL team #6 from Littlecreek Cove, Virginia that handled the job. Now the operators are saying "Enough is enough!"

US News & World Report says that the operators are concerned that the publicity is at the point of compromising their mission security and, in the case of SEAL team #6, even their families. These are brave and highly skilled men and we need to let them do what they do best by turning our collective (and admiring) gaze away. Tom Clancy wrote a book about the Special Operations community entitled Shadow Warriors. Indeed they are and for their sake and the safety of the United States it's time we let them fade back into the shadows where they do their work.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

SEAL Team's Ride to Bin Laden's House

Aviation Week reports that a new stealth version of the ubiquitous UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter may have ferried in SEAL Team 6 to Bin Laden's hideout, hence the extra efforts to blow up the one that crashed in the compound during the mission. Their normal ride is the MH-60 Special Ops version (left) that has lots of extra bells and whistles. I have been wondering how they got in without being detected by Pakistani AWACS aircraft and this may be the answer. Nice ride!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Those Who Live by the Sword...

"...shall die by the sword." Matthew 26:52

    A debt partially paid to the 3,000 of our fellow Americans and others who died on September 11, 2001.