Friday, October 31, 2014

The Bible as Myth

Well, maybe not so much. Think Moses, Red Sea, etc., etc.:

"Suez| Egypt’s Antiquities Ministry announced this morning that a team of underwater archaeologists had discovered that remains of a large Egyptian army from the 14th century BC, at the bottom of the Gulf of Suez, 1.5 kilometers offshore from the modern city of Ras Gharib. The team was searching for the remains of ancient ships and artefacts related to Stone Age and Bronze Age trade in the Red Sea area, when they stumbled upon a gigantic mass of human bones darkened by age."

"The scientists lead by Professor Abdel Muhammad Gader and associated with Cairo University’s Faculty of Archaeology, have already recovered a total of more than 400 different skeletons, as well as hundreds of weapons and pieces of armor, also the remains of two war chariots, scattered over an area of approximately 200 square meters. They estimate that more than 5000 other bodies could be dispersed over a wider area, suggesting that an army of large size who have perished on the site."

Move Along - Nothing to See Here!

Oh the Evil Koch Brothers! Watch out for the Blood-Sucking Capitalists! Well, how about watching out for convicted Lefties?

Donny Deutsch is a multi-millionaire (est. $200M) who hangs out on one of my least favorite networks, MSNBC, whose daily party line is about the same as the Party line in Moscow. While MSNBC is expounding on the evils of the bourgeois oppressor running dogs of Capitalism, one of their own was found liable for scamming a realtor out of a $1.2M commission on his $30M house sale. The trial judge had these nice things to say about Mr. Deutsch:

“This court considers that and refusal to acknowledge [Petrie] as the broker to be marks of dishonesty and greed,”

“Both characteristics are particularly unbecoming when exhibited by those blessed with great wealth.”

Obviously this poor trial judge doesn't get it. When a Lefty is blessed with great wealth he is part of the Ruling Class and can ignore the law like say Tim Geithner, the former Wall Street big wig and Secretary of the Treasury who, ahem, forgot to file a few years of taxes. An oversight I'm sure - perhaps he thought the receipt box was just one of his shoe boxes. And BTW, how did Harry Reid amass his fortune while being a humble public servant all these years? The question that dares not speak its name! Well, the trial judge did in Mr. Deutsch's case did and its name is "Dishonesty and Greed." Over to you Rachel Maddow.

New Warnings on Abortion-Breast Cancer Link

A second new medical study has been released documenting a strong link between abortions and breast cancer. Researchers included the University of Kentucky and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and their findings documented that:

A history of abortion before 8 weeks gestation in women younger than 18 years (girls) increased the risk of breast cancer by 30 percent. However, if a pregnancy lasting more than 8 weeks was terminated when a girl was younger than 18 years, the risk increased 800 percent.” (Emphasis added)

But wait - there's more:

In women with a positive family history (defined as a sister, mother, aunt or grandmother with breast cancer), the overall risk was 1.8 (80 percent increased, but ‘was particularly strong for a first abortion that occurred prior to age 18 years.’ In fact, the risk was infinity, as breast cancer developed in 100 percent of these girls – 12 of 12 cases, but in none of the controls.” 

The study pushes for informed consent since women and girls need to know that this procedure is setting them up for a huge fight for their lives in the future at the very least. If anything else - say tobacco - was producing stats like this, it would simply be banned as extremely hazardous to human health, but "Noooo!" we don't want to infringe on their "freedom." The question is "freedom" to do what - die?

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Wages of ... Raising the Minimum Wage

Minimum wage jobs were never intended to be lifetime billets with a "living wage," whatever that means. These jobs are typically low-skill and designed to be part-time in most cases. In the past, you started in such jobs as you were introduced to the workforce and, if you had your wits about you, quickly decided that you needed to get whatever training necessary to move up the ladder. High schoolers used to find plenty of such jobs in the summer but they have become more and more scarce as politicians have intervened to mandate "living wages" and unions have tried to organize the ranks of the low-skilled.

The result of this is a continuing push to automate jobs. Robots always show up, don't whine, don't cop an attitude with customers, won't talk on their cell phones to their significant other during working hours, and never agitate for higher and unsustainable wages. As the politicians vote for things like a higher minimum wage, paid sick leave, paid vacation, health insurance, etc., etc. for low-skilled workers as a way to buy votes, expect business to put more and more humans on the unemployment lines and turn to Al and Alice the Robots to serve you your next burger.

Giving Bill Maher a Close Shave ISIS-Style

The French Revolution began to consume itself after first killing off all kinds of other people. The guillotine began whacking heads off of the revolutionaries who were insufficiently zealous. The result was that the movement eventually died for lack of supporters, thank God. 

Somewhat the same thing is happening on the Left at the moment. Bill Maher, the Uber Lefty who holds court on his own show at HBO, finally figured out that jihadists are not good company and has recently begun saying so. Mais non, Monsieur!  It is sacrilege! 

Maher's fleeting moment of reality has triggered a movement at UC Berkeley to disinvite him as the the 2015 Commencement speaker by all the little Brownshirts who cannot stand anything that challenges their alternate reality. At this point the Chancellor has said that Maher will speak, as this is a free speech issue. True, but as we get closer to the date, stay tuned for further developments. How's the blade on the guillotine?

Will Ya Look at That!

The Washington Examiner reports that: 

"A new and massive poll of 2,029 18- to 29-year-olds from Harvard’s Institute of Politics just released found that of those who say they will “definitely be voting,” 51 percent want the GOP in charge, 47 percent favoring Democratic control."

I'd better sit down - I feel faint. Harvard? Millennials? The Apocalypse is upon us!

Why Kitzhaber Should Not Be Elected - Reason #103

According to Oregon Live:

"... Oregon had the nation's highest percentage of vacant homes going through the foreclosure process, according to RealtyTrac, the real estate data firm."

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Definition of Irony

(NEW YORK TIMES) WASHINGTON — The investigator who led the Department of Homeland Security’s internal review of the Secret Service’s 2012 prostitution scandal quietly resigned in August after he was implicated in his own incident involving a prostitute, according to current and former department officials.

The Natives are Restless

WND reports a flood of vitriol directed at the President - by Dems! Here are just a few to get the flavor of how the rank and file is feeling:

Bill Clinton reportedly said, “I hate that man Obama more than any man I’ve ever met, more than any man who ever lived.”

Jimmy Carter's droll commentary on the President's foreign policy: “It changes from time to time.”  Indeed. 

 “Too often, in my view, the president relies on the logic of the law professor rather than the passion of a leader.” Leon Panetta, Obama's former Secretary of Defense and CIA Director, discussing Obama's approach to foreign policy. 

Be sure and read the rest - serious angst. My inclination is to say, "Sleep in the bed you made!" but there is too much at stake for the country. Harry Reid has been a major accomplice in the Senate. I hope Democrats will wake up and act on this at the ballot box next week. Probably too much to hope for. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Hillary Economics 101

Hillary was stumping for Martha Coakley for Governor in Massachusetts and dropped the following stunner:

"Don't let anybody tell you that, uh, you know, that it's corporations and businesses that create jobs."

Really? Jobs - real jobs - are a function of wealth creation and government simply doesn't create wealth. The now defunct Soviet Union tried it for 70 years and ended up on the dust heap of history. Even "kinder and gentler" socialist countries like France, Greece and others are headed for the rocks for the same reason. 

No, what government does is take private wealth and put it to its own purposes, which all too often translates into worthless pork projects intended to get politicians re-elected. (See blog 10/25/14).  If it takes too much, then a society begins to decline, sort of like the U.S. is doing right now. 

Hillary is telling us that she will address this situation by, yup - having government "create" more jobs. Yah sure. Are you better off today than in 2009? Consider:

Real hourly wages have seen virtually no noticeable increase; real median household income is down almost four percent; and basic life necessities have seen an average of 10 percent price inflation. (In fact, milk is 25 percent more expensive, meat prices are 27 percent higher, and gasoline has jumped in price roughly 40 percent since 2009.)

As Abraham Lincoln observed, you can fool some of the people all of the time. Unfortunately, that number seems to keep growing and Hillary is going to do her best to prey on their ignorance. Democrat politics as usual. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Observation Point

"No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems — of which getting elected and re-elected are number one and number two. Whatever is number three is far behind."

Thomas Sowell       
(As quoted by John Hawkins)    


Friday, October 24, 2014

A Refreshing Candor

First Jennifer Garner and now Rene Zellweger. A couple of weeks ago Jennifer Garner (42) was fielding press questions and one particularly galling reporter asked if she were again expecting as her "baby bump" would seem to indicate. She fixed the putz with an icy stare and said basically, "I've had 3 kids, that's part of me - deal with it!" Hoo-ah Jennifer!

Now Zellweger, who is 45, recently had her picture taken and is taking brick bats for the fact that she doesn't look like she's 25. Say what? Why should she look like a anorexic, eager-to-please, just trying to-make-it starlet lemon tart when she is an adult 45 year old woman? What she did say was that she is happy and her face reflects it. Hoo-ah Rene!

These are both beautiful women and very good actresses and the fact that they are happy with who they are and where they are in life is a good thing - and their faces do reflect it. I look forward to seeing them again in films and respect them for being happy with themselves and their lives. Deal with it Hollywood! 

New Memory Enhancer

Drinking beer after age 60 may improve memory. Boy I hope so, so pass me another por favor!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

I Knew It Wouldn't Last

Well, back to business as usual. USA Today reports that:

"New records contradict the Obama administration's assurances to Congress and the public that the 2,200 people it freed from immigration jails last year to save money had only minor criminal records.

The records, obtained by USA TODAY, show immigration officials released some undocumented immigrants who had faced far more serious criminal charges, including people charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, drug trafficking and homicide."

Gee, I wonder if they're telling the truth about Ebola, ISIS, who is coming across the southern border - the list goes on and on. The elections are less than 2 weeks away. If Americans don't vote the Dems out of office for all the destruction they have caused, then we deserve our fate.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Breaking News - President Tells the Truth!

President Obama was being interviewed by Al Sharpton (I am not making this up!) yesterday and said that Senate Democrats up for re-election are only kidding when they say they are against his agenda so they can get re-elected. For once, I think he is actually telling the truth, although it has caused great consternation among the Dem senators. Look at the voting records and see who is telling the truth.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Continuing Perils of Oregon's First Consort

In Episode 2, we find the First Consort of Oregon buying land in Washington in 1997 to grow illegal dope. Who forced her to do this dastardly deed? Why an "abusive man" who was "dangerous" although they appear to have gotten along well enough to put in a drip irrigation system and bring fertilizers to the property. Alas, they eventually defaulted on the contract and the owner took it back finding the "improvements" much to his surprise.

Stay tuned for Episode 3! Where will fate take our hapless First Consort this time? Into the land of Oregon politics and influence peddling perhaps? Don't miss the next exciting chapter of this Never-ending Story! I'll bet the Gov is holding his breath too.

A TV Show Takes a Different Approach to Conflict

The Good Wife is a popular CBS show about lawyers and politicians - a fertile subject for human foibles if ever there was one! Recently, though, it took a different tack on the subject of conflict, leaving the courtroom and entering into the world of Christian arbitration. Interestingly, it generated a very positive response from viewers and critics alike. 

Attached is Ken Sande's piece about the episode for which he served as a technical consultant and it is well worth reading. Ken is the author of The Peacemaker which I use as the central resource in the Christian conflict resolution work that I do. His conclusion about the show: generally they got it right - they focused on the point of conflict resolution work as getting to the truth and not just winning. Of course, lawyers being lawyers, the clients got the point and settled the case themselves while the lawyers bickered. Read the piece and watch the show when it comes around again. And think about handling the next conflict in which you are involved differently. Truth matters to God.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Views from the Edge of Science

A new book about Albert Einstein, Einstein, God & the Bible, tries to set the record straight on whether the genius was an atheist or a believer. The following quote makes it clear that while he certainly was not a charismatic or evangelical Christian, neither was he an atheist and he was willing to follow the logical conclusions of his scientific work wherever they led:

"When asked if he had a belief in God, Einstein replied, ‘I am not an atheist.’ He even said, ‘The fanatical atheists … are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who – in their grudge against traditional religion as the ‘opium for the people’ – cannot bear the music of the spheres.’ "

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Well-Reasoned Opinions from Hollywood

Count on Hollywood stars to recognize royalty when they see it. Quoth Gwyneth Paltrow as reported by Jeff Crouere in Townhall:

"When introducing Obama, Paltrow gushed, ' I am one of your biggest fans, if not the biggest.' After a series of inane comments, the Obama super fan uttered her most idiotic statement, 'It would be wonderful if we were able to give this man all of the power he needs to pass the things he needs to pass.' ”

Ah, 'scuse me Gwyneth but we sort of settled that business back about 1776. Fought a war with George III as I recall. Sheesh! 

Holy Bizjet Batman!

Doug Giles at Townhall reports on an unnamed Florida pastor with a clothing allowance from his church of $60,000/year. Whoa! In expressing his disapproval, he gives 5 guidelines for when it's probably time to leave your church:
  • If your male pastor wears diamond stud earrings, leave.
  • If your pastor is forty-plus years old and bleaches the tips of his hair blond, leave.
  • If your pastor wears more hair gel than all five guys in the boy band One Direction, leave.
  • If your pastor has a church funded clothing budget of any amount, especially a sixty grand a year allowance, leave.
  • If your pastor quotes Oprah more than Obadiah, leave.
  • If your pastor sounds more like Tony Robbins than the Apostle Paul, leave.
Most pastors are extremely hard working and usually the opposite of fashionistas and their lifestyle is not one of conspicuous consumption, but Giles' guidelines are probably useful  to begin asking some hard questions about the general stewardship IQ at one's local church if you see the signs. See Matt. 6:24. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Trials and Tribulations of Oregon's First Consort

Most of us know by now that the First Consort of Oregon (the Gov hasn't married her yet although the are living together and engaged) tearfully confessed this week that some 17 years ago she married an illegal immigrant from Ethiopia so he wouldn't be deported for over-staying his visa. My first reaction was that I was glad that Willamette Week broke the story and not some Republican-controlled source. Having said that, though, there are a couple of lessons to learn beyond the obvious ones.

First, she could have done this for free if it was based on ideological conviction, however misguided. Instead she took a quick $5K for her efforts. That says something about her character. 

Secondly, unless she is a really terrific actress, I think she was telling the truth at her press conference that she hadn't told the Gov and he was blindsided by all of this. Again, it calls into question her character and judgment since she obviously knew he was in a reelection race and they had already decided to get married. 

Third, Willamette Week started its investigation based on persistent allegations that she was using her connections to the Gov and her title on several state committees to which she had been appointed to grease the skids for lucrative consulting contracts, e.g. - influence peddling. The whole marriage thing surfaced in the course of this broader investigation. If she was willing to take $5,000 for a convenience marriage and was willing to hide this from the Gov despite his political circumstances, it is not a big stretch to think that maybe, just maybe, she hasn't been entirely forthcoming on her business activities either. Which raises a final point.

Perhaps Big John has been kicked in the butt by love and that is why he missed things with her. Or perhaps he just isn't paying a lot of attention in general and this is one more - albeit more personal - example of this trait. He also did not pay a lot of attention to Cover Oregon, which generated a $300M bill and no results, or to the Columbia Crossing fiasco and its goose egg for $190M. Whatever the explanation, it's certainly fair to say that he is seriously distracted and that's not the person we need to lead Oregon through another 4 years in the top state job. We have the privilege of making a peaceful governmental change in our system. It's time. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Everything's Fine, Fine

"At least" 10 ISIS terrorists have been caught trying to cross into the U.S. from Mexico.  Funny, I thought the President's sworn duty was to protect and defend this country. Helluva way to do it. Or not.

The Case of the Missing Heat

Global Warmists have been struggling to explain why the earth has failed to warm for the last 18 years or so. In fact, the earth has been getting colder. Ah, but you see (you ignorant barbarian!) the deep oceans have been absorbing the heat and  it will spring forth like a mighty lion and pounce on us all unless we elect Al Gore our World Leader, or maybe Leo DiCaprio. Alas, Houston - we've (actually they) got a problem.

The JPL on behalf of NASA has just completed a long study that shows the deep oceans haven't warmed either since 2005. There is no heat sink, no mighty lion hiding and waiting to pounce. Baby, it's just cold outside.

I am quite confident that this piece of scientific research will not shake Global Warmists' faith one whit. This is after all a religious crusade - or a cynical charade - and we can expect a new theory to come along shortly equally light on facts. Sigh. Who are the Deniers?

The Top of the Mountain

"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.
Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic)

Well, well, well - what have we here? A scientific study... Can't hear you! You're mumbling! - er, a scientific study documenting that people who were clinically dead continued to accurately perceive their surroundings even though monitored brain activity had ceased. A British study of over 2000 people suffering cardiac arrest during surgery documented this with 40% of the study group. 

If they hadn't been resuscitated, any guess what might have happened next? I know a good place to look for the answer.

Sign of the Times

The CDC has reported that at any point in time, 110 million Americans have STDs. Great. Keep buying Big Pharma stocks. Wouldn't want to tell anybody that "free " sex isn't really free. Don't want to impose our values!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Modern Marriage

"An Englishwoman has taken self-love to its ultimate extreme by marrying herself in an "incredibly empowering" ceremony attended by almost 50 of her friends.

Grace Gelder married Grace Gelder earlier this year at an "idyllic farmhouse in rural Devon". Her parents were not present - "mainly for logistical reasons" - but, according to an interview in the Guardian, they did send "supportive texts throughout the day."

Some of Ms/Mrs/Mr Gelder's friends suggested "in a light-hearted way" that perhaps the exercise was "a bit narcissistic". But she herself decided that she was "completely comfortable" with her "motivations.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Gutfeld Smacks a True Believer

I like Greg Gutfeld. He's funny, quick, and perceptive. He will often get to the heart of an argument using a twist of humor. I posted a September 23, 2014 blog about Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm's brother, on why we should all check out at 75 and OBTW, if we don't do it voluntarily, the government is going to give you a little push by denying lots of medical procedures. Gutfeld goes to the heart of Emanuel's argument with his typical humorous overlay:

With E-Z’s [Ezekiel Emanuel] logic, you could argue that 70 is a better cut-off, or even 65. Start clipping at the back end of life, and combine it with abortion as birth control in the front end, and really it’s all about living without complications. No babies, no old people -- the two groups that make traveling a pain, as well as slowing down lines at restaurants. Really, this planet should be full of nothing but trim, healthy, over-educated policy-makers with tasteful Oliver Peoples eyewear. 

Indeed, that is the core thinking pervading the Progressive mindset on life - be "productive" (as we define it) or get out. But Gutfeld also states what everyone is thinking:

Of course we all know that when Emanuel approaches his expiration date -- 75 -- and is still feeling chipper, his mind will certainly change. He’ll take the drugs. And then perhaps he will write a long article about that too. I wonder if he’ll feel bad for anyone who listened to him when he wrote about how living past 75 was stupid.

Very true. It's why Progressive bigmouths like Al Gore and Leo DeCaprio can justify flying around the world all the time in private jets and tooling around in big fat yachts or Teddy Kennedy can sentence the children of middle class families to substandard educations in public schools in large urban areas while sending his to exclusive private schools, etc., etc. You see, they are above it, they are the Ruling Class and the rules just don't apply to them because they are IMPORTANT. They have to educate us, rule us. Keep up the good work Gutfeld. A rose is a rose is a rose and a hypocrite is the same, particularly one who thinks he is doing it in the name of all that is right  and good. Right. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

In Other News ...

  • The Norks apparently are working on an ICBM launch facility. 

  • Pro-democracy Hong Kong and the Communist Chinese overlords are headed for a showdown over China's future. Will China be a trade-oriented and increasingly more democratic country seeking a positive role in the world or a nationalistic empire-building giant more like the Japanese pre-WWII?  

  • Turkey seems to be playing both sides in the war with ISIS. On the one hand, it appears to using ISIS to counter Assad in Syria and rein in the Kurds, who have been a longtime thorn in their side. On the other hand, they appear to recognize that ISIS is crazy and would happily stab them and extend the "caliphate" into Turkey given the chance. ISIS force were threatening a town on the Turkish border this week. The Turkish military is a force to be reckoned with and it would be nice to have them on our side against ISIS.

  • The U.S. replaced Saudi Arabia as the world's largest oil producer. It became the largest natural gas producer in 2010. Heaven forbid that we should use it as leverage with the Russians and to lower our dependency on Middle East oil!

Welcome to the United States

WND reports that:

"In 2010, the Obama administration quietly dumped Bush-era plans to enact quarantine regulations supported by the Centers for Disease Control that were designed to prevent travelers from spreading infectious diseases."


The epidemic potential of Ebola is too great. Anybody coming from West Africa should be vetted before they get on a plane bound for this country and when they arrive here, they go to a secure quarantine facility until they have been medically cleared. As I recall, the Declaration of Independence talks about the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Note which one comes first and that applies to the rest of us.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Pale Rider Arrives in the U.S.

The Bible (Rev. 6:2) says that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are Conquest, War, Famine and Death. They will arrive on earth to wreak havoc and terror in the Last Days. One has now arrived in the U.S., in Texas and his sword is Ebola. 

The Obama Administration should be quarantining all flights and any travelers coming out of West Africa, but it is showing its typical passive response to difficult and even lethal situations with the result that upwards of 80 people in this country, including a number of children, have been exposed to the African horror. Where this may go is anybody's guess, but the recent precedents of effective government action are not good and in any event, we won't know about it until it's too late because cover-ups are second nature to these people. I have said numerous times in the past that these guys are trying to kill us. Tragically, this prophecy may actually be starting to be fulfilled. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What is Up with the Secret Service?

What in the world is going on with the Secret Service? A loner goes across the White House lawn and into the East Room before finally being stopped by an off duty agent. A couple schmoozes their way into an Inauguration party and gets a picture with the President. The President rides an elevator with an armed man who has 3 - count 'em - 3 felony convictions. And how about the drunk agents staggering around Colombia in 2012? Whoever is President deserves the absolute best protection and that simply isn't happening.  It had better get squared away now before a jihadist hit team with real operators decides to take a crack at it.