Friday, July 31, 2015

Pushback in China

There are now an estimated 100 million plus Christians in China and the fastest growing group is among students and intellectuals. Although this is a drop in the bucket compared to China's total population, it is still a very significant number, especially considering the skills of the Christ-followers, and the government has taken notice. 

A beta campaign is under way in one Chinese province to harass Christians and burn crosses. The cross at the top of one church caught fire "spontaneously" according to government sources. Of course the fact that a cherry picker had elevated a government worker up to the base of the cross shortly before the fire broke out had nothing to do with it. 

Christians are now pushing back with a campaign to build and distribute crosses throughout the province simultaneously. The Romans had a tough time dealing with these folks and eventually lost the battle altogether. The Chinese are a determined foe too but my money is on God and His people winning this one eventually.

Chinese Checkers

Here's what our "friends" the Chinese have been up to over the last 5 years - 700+ cyber attacks around the U.S. This is an NSA map plotting the attacks and the Chinese have hit every state except North Dakota. Fargo, all is well. Have you ever noticed how our "relationship" with the Chinese is sort of one-sided? They sell us stuff and we buy it and if we say or do anything else, like insisting that they don't pirate stuff or get peeved about them messing around in our data banks, they get huffy. Interesting relationship.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Dealing With Immigration Intelligently

VDH offers a sensible approach to immigration. We're not going to physically deport 12 million (or 15M or however many there are) people to Mexico but we need to get a handle on the situation. Step #1 - close the border. Tight. Step #2 - provide a path to citizenship for those already here, taking their place in line with others, paying a fine for breaking the law, and passing citizenship tests. Future immigrants would be granted access based on skills the U.S. needs, not "Y'all come!" This makes sense.

PP and Its Legal Protectors

A Los Angeles Superior Court issued a restraining order prohibiting CMP from releasing any more videos telling the truth about Planned Parenthood. This will be reversed on appeal because it is a prior restraint on journalistic free speech. Nevertheless, it's a speed bump and an appeal will have to be taken. It's a sign, though, that PP and its legal protectors are getting increasingly desperate to stem the damage flowing from the exposure of their horrid and evil practices. Don't think they can keep the lid on this one.

The "New" Healthcare

Is no healthcare. Wheaton College just dropped health insurance for all students to avoid having to be even indirectly involved in providing abortion coverage, as mandated by Obamacare. Even though this requirement of Obamacare is on appeal by Wheaton College and a host of other Christian non-profits, apparently the Supreme Court's performance in the two recent mega-cases on Obamacare and gay marriage did not inspire a lot of confidence on Wheaton's part, so they preemptively pulled the plug.  Just like all the misguided enthusiasm for jacking up the minimum wage, real people are getting real hurt, but what the hay - we feel righteous on our "free" healthcare kick, so who cares?

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Class Act

Scott Walker is the Governor of Wisconsin. He is interrupting his Presidential campaign today to attend the funeral of one of the Marines killed by the jihadist in Chattanooga. Sgt. Carson Holmquist was a Wisconsin native. I respect the gesture. Condolences to Mrs. Holmquist and family.

Truth is a Lie; Lies are Truth

Multiple choice: Who do you investigate regarding the evidence that Planned Parenthood is selling baby parts for profit?

A. Nobody.
B. Planned Parenthood
C. The group that documented this evil.
D. W.

That's right - "C" is the correct answer!  Both U.S. AG Loretta Lynch and California AG Kamala Harris have announced investigations into CMP, the group that spent 3 years investigating PP and assembling the video evidence. Heaven forbid that the truth should come out! I am also sure that somehow, some way, they are working on making "D" as in W responsible for this savagery. Follow the money, the blood money.

Friday, July 24, 2015

The Dust Heap of History - Here's Hoping!

The article linked below has a list big corporate sponsors of Planned Parenthood - you know, the Human Parts Company. Apparently after Coke became the third big name to de-list with them, PP pulled the list altogether. Let the dismembering begin!

Greater Love ...

The New York Times reports that:
"Some of the Marines who were shot to death last week in Chattanooga, Tenn., effectively sacrificed themselves to save the lives of others, diverting the gunman away from a larger group of potential victims, according to a law enforcement official briefed on the investigation into the killings."

I am not surprised; humbled, but not surprised. Apparently two of the men killed who had "illegal" personal handguns intentionally drew the gunman away from a room where 20 of their unarmed comrades lay huddled. This decision was made in a split second and it was effective in preventing many more deaths, albeit at the cost of their own. 

These men exhibited the best tradition of the Marine Corps and the armed forces of this country. Semper Fi gentlemen - rest in peace. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Beat the Airlines at the Fare Game

Here's a great little app for all you smartphone users out there - Hopper. Load in the dates that you want to travel and let Hopper hop to it and set a watch for the lowest fares. It will automatically alert you with a "Buy Now" when the time is ripe. I've used it twice now and it does well. You should always cross check with airline websites to make sure it's the best price, but Hopper is definitely worth a try.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Strip Poker Obama Style

Having brilliantly wrapped up the Iranian issue, the Obama Administration has turned its attention to the North Koreans and their, er little preoccupation with nukes, ballistic missiles, that sort of thing. Fortunately, the Norks did what they always do and said, "Hell no!" Undoubtedly this will only act as a teaser for the Obama folks who will begin the next strip poker game where the U.S. is the only one who strips. Stay tuned.

Global Warming and ISIS

Martin O'Malley, whoever he is, is sort of running for President, and said the other day that global warming is to blame for the rise of ISIS. Seriously, he said it - I am not making this up. Quick, get the C-17s ready with an air drop of Coppertone and lemonade and the ISIS problem is solved! See how easy foreign policy is! Woo-hoo!

Day Late; Dollar Short

"U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said a speech by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Saturday vowing to defy American policies in the region despite a deal with world powers over Tehran's nuclear program was 'very disturbing'."
The fact that Iran has been saying the same thing since, oh since 1979 or so might have been a tip off, John. Someone is always the last to get the message. 

Abort Planned Parenthood

Kirsten Powers, a liberal journalist for USA Today, is repulsed by the ghoulish activities of Planned Parenthood, saying that if we as a society put up with this, we have officially gone off the rails. While I agree with her, I think that happened a while ago and our country is on a cross-country journey without tracks. 

My friend Jay Jamieson read Lamentations 2:20 yesterday and pondered our situation, " 'Should women eat their little ones, the children they have nursed?'.... I thought to myself how vulgar.!. then I reflected on our "modern" practice" of fetal body parts sales ...." Ah yes, the nation that we have become - baby eaters.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Where Does One Begin Anymore?

How did I end up on the express train to you-know-where? The headlines this morning are like a never-ending series of gut punches. It's like I woke up and instead of Salem, Oregon, I was permanently in Wonderland watching Alice chase the White Rabbit. What am I talking about? Consider:

The "treaty" with Iran which Iran is already saying it isn't bound to honor. At least Hitler had the good sense at Munich to refrain from publicly disavowing the "treaty" and letting the Brits and France enjoy their delusion of peace while he positioned his Panzer divisions. Obama's fig leaf of a document is going to fall off before the ink is even dry yet he and John Kerry will continue to carry on about "Peace in our time!" Indeed.

Then there is Planned Parenthood and parting out babies. Watching the video of that PP official at lunch sipping wine and cutting deals for babies' livers made me retch. Dorian Gray had nothing on this woman and all her ilk and their defenders in the media. Zombies may not be real but ghouls definitely are.

Ah yes, on a smaller scale but illustrative of the craziness afoot, there's Baltimore, where the mayor fires the police chief for trying to keep the city safe and declares open season on the cops. Now one of her allies, the "Safe Streets" anti-violence program, was just busted for - wait for it - having a cache of guns and piles of cocaine and heroin and packaging! Down is up, up is down, and we all go round and round!

I could go on but I won't. Not only are the adults not in charge, the inmates from the asylum are. Fortunately, there are still a lot of good people out there doing their best, day in and day out, and this is the glue holding things together. They need to pay attention, though, and throw the bums out before the crazies drive us all off the cliff. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

That About Says It

President Obama just made and tragic mistake of epic proportions with Iran in his apparent desire to forge a legacy. Unless Congress can derail it, that legacy will be a nuclear arms race in the Middle East starting with Saudi Arabia and spreading to others. They have the money and the will to fight the march of Iranian Shia. Greater instability will occur along with increased pressure against Israel from Iranian proxies in Lebanon and the East Bank. Peace is a good thing but this will lead to anything but. 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

We Are All Californians Now

Victor Davis Hanson, a California resident BTW, says just that in his column today and explains:

"California has also schooled the nation on mutually exclusively goals. Its lax immigration policies have made for a rapidly expanding population, and yet it expects a sophisticated infrastructure that ensures plentiful, clean water -- and dreams of a pristine, green, 19th century paradise in a depopulated state."

He's right. Logic and planning are so passe when you can dream! And so we have the paradox of:

"... the highest basket of income, sales and gasoline taxes in the nation -- even as infrastructure, government services and schools erode. It established the national precedent of opposing new infrastructure projects and then enjoying them once the planners and builders who were criticized finished them. California equated a Silicon Valley smartphone in the hand with knowledge in the head -- and the nation at large soon produced the most electronically wired and least knowledgeable generation in memory."

Come, let us all unreason together! Let us slip together the surly tethers of reality and float together into the glorious future. What? You can't get here because you're stuck in traffic? And welfare recipients are rioting? Sorry you're sick, have you used your health care allotment yet? It's glorious, glorious I say!