"... over the past 20 years, the cost of cable set-top boxes has risen 185 percent while the cost of computers, televisions and mobile phones has dropped by 90 percent."
The CNET reporter goes on to note that:
"The average pay TV subscriber spends an average of $231 per year renting set-top boxes and related devices (like remote controls) from their TV provider."
Ouch! That's crazy, especially since the technology exists to allow all this to reside in the Cloud and download digitally to TV sets on demand.
Stein's Maxim for organizations, whether public or private, is that they will operate for themselves except to the extent they are forced to do otherwise by external forces. Cable companies and any monopoly are prime examples of this maxim. Ideally competition is what induces a change (hello Google Fiber) but, in its absence, a legitimate kick in the booty by a government agency will do instead. It's time.