Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Point Taken

"When Senator Sanders cries, "The system is rigged!" no one asks, "Just what specifically does that mean?" or "What facts do you have to back that up?"

In 2015, the 400 richest people in the world had net losses of $19 billion. If they had rigged the system, surely they could have rigged it better than that."

                                                                                                                      Thomas Sowell

Friday, May 13, 2016

Millenials Love Affair with Socialism

Feel the Bern? A lot of Millenials are at the moment without really understanding what socialism is all about, so Jonah Goldberg takes a swing at an explanation that seems plausible. 

Goldberg says that Millenials are with the Bern because of a romantic, utopian impulse:

Writing in The Federalist, Emily Ekins and Joy Pullmann note that many of these young people think socialism is federally mandated niceness. A 2014 Reason-Rupe survey asked millennials to define socialism. They had in mind a more generous safety net, more kindness and, as one put it, more "being together."

Well there you have it! Never mind the failure of socialism wherever it has been tried, typically accompanied by the death of millions of people, and the self-evident inability of government to do pretty much anything quickly or well (even Millenials did not favor the government running Uber), it's just so, so about togetherness

But in Goldberg reminds us that the roots of socialism were not in the relentless and cynical minds of dark Germans like Karl Marx but in French and English (Fabian socialism) romantics who were rebelling against the impersonal market forces unleashed by the Industrial Revolution: 

The first socialists were not economists or technocrats. They were romantics and nostalgists. They loathed the relentless logic of the market and its reward of merit and efficiency as judged by the marketplace.

They wanted to return to the imagined Eden of the noble savage and the state of nature. They wanted to live in a world of tribal brotherhood and mutual love. Long before the math of "scientific socialism" there were the emotions of socialism, both light and dark: egalitarianism and envy.

Unfortunately, a secular utopianism - a man-made heaven on earth - is not possible because man is flawed in his very core and so everything that he touches or creates is flawed as well. Thus, what starts out as sweetness and light soon descends into the abyss. The historical cry of socialism on this journey is always, "It's never really been tried! We just need more control ..." It has been tried and the results are always the same. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Vietnam - The Sequel

Austin Bay, a retired Army colonel, has an interesting column today suggesting that what the Obama Administration is doing right now in the Middle East is eerily similar to what Lyndon Johnson did starting in 1964 or so in Vietnam, e.g. a "gradualism" strategy. Bay says it didn't work then and it's not going to work now.

After pledging "no boots on the ground" after withdrawing from Iraq, the U.S. has been quietly slipping troops into Iraq, Syria, Yemen and who knows where else in the Middle East, to counter ISIS and Iranian proxies. He puts this figure at probably somewhere north of 5,000 at the moment. Why won't this strategy work, especially in view of the fact that most of these troops are special ops guys and both they and their weapons are far more lethal than was the case in 1964? The answer is Whack-a-Mole and Iran.

Whack-a-Mole applies because the ISIS jihadists are being recruited from all over the Muslim world and the more they fight, the more vicious and nasty they become. Instead of poking at them here and there, the best strategy is to cover the whole playing field at once with overwhelming force and kill them all. As Colin Powell said of the strategy in Desert Storm I, "We're going to corner them and then we're going to kill them." There was no messing around there, which was the proper lesson from Vietnam. Make the battlefield so lethal throughout the theater that stepping on to it means death and even these fanatics may blink. If they don't, well then we kill a lot of bad guys. 

Iran also applies because we are currently making nice with the mullahs despite the almost daily provocations from this bunch of nasty vermin. We cannot fight them on the one hand in Yemen, for example, and at the same time encourage Western Europe to trade with Iran, as John Kerry recently urged. It is immoral in the extreme to put American lives at risk in this situation and unreliable as far as the host country goes, as Americans are getting a deserved reputation (again) for cutting and running when the heat gets too high. Maybe bin Laden was right after all. Sad but true. 

Until we have a coherent strategy, let's keep our guys out of the snake pit. Over 58,000 young Americans were killed in Vietnam for nothing, as it turned out. I have no desire to repeat that colossal mistake again. 


Fair and Balanced

 As anyone who reads this blog knows, I am not a Trump fan. I voted for Cruz in the Oregon primary because I believe he has some genuine character and an appreciation for the Constitution. From what I can see, Trump has neither of these qualities yet he is apparently who Republicans have picked as an alternative to Hillary. 

David Horowitz writes a column on Trump Derangement Syndrome that reminds us who Hillary really is and what she would bring to the Presidency. She is not simply an incompetent like Jimmy Carter, and as Horowitz points out, ceding Iran to the Jihadists was a consequence of his term, but a malignancy who has already cost the U.S. dearly. Trump is far from perfect, but looking 4 or 8 years into the future, Horowitz believes we would be far better off without than with Hillary. Something to think about. I agree, but Trump? A Hobson's choice to be sure, but life is like that sometimes. 


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The E-mail Case Against Hillary

This article lays out the legal case against Hillary for violating the Espionage Act of 1913. The DOJ, led by Loretta Lynch, is taking its sweet time with investigating the case. A cynic might think she is trying to drag it out until after, say November. To some extent this is appropriate because with a high official you want to make very sure before you charge them that the government can prove its case. But ... 

The standard for an indictment by a grand jury is whether there is reasonable cause to believe that a crime was committed by the person charged. Once an indictment is handed down, the defendant may avail themselves of a full jury trial (or waive it and try it to the court) with a full the "beyond a reasonable doubt" burden of proof on the state and all due process protections, but the standard for charging is much lower. Does the evidence summarized here rise to the "reasonable cause to believe" standard? As a recovering lawyer, I definitely have an opinion but read the facts and see what you think. 


Observation Point

"A nation that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both."         
                                               President Dwight Eisenhower

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Read It and Weep

Here is a story about how this country's new Iranian policy was formulated and run by a 39-year old National Security Council deputy director with a poli sci degree and a minor in creative writing who wrote a fantasy scenario and then systematically lied about the facts to hoodwink the press into uncritical support. That does not excuse Congress from rolling over and playing dead, but it explains how it "assumed the position" and why Iran is subsequently treating the President with utter contempt - deservedly so I might add. I really am surprised we are still standing. Read it and weep. This stuff will get people killed. I think it already has.


Our Hobson's Choice

"It is easy to be appalled by crude ignorance, but in some ways it is more appalling to hear ignorance layered and veneered with liberal pieties and snobbery. The choice in 2016 is not just between Trump, the supposed foreign-policy dunce, and an untruthful former secretary of state, but is also a matter of how you prefer your obtuseness — raw or cooked?"

Class Act

Elna Wright of Elyria, OH is 17 and was without a date to her high school senior prom. Elna suffers from a hereditary disease and her boyfriend had died last Fall, so her parents hit the Cleveland sports social media to see if someone might take her to the prom. Enter Cleveland Browns' lineman Cameron Erving. He picked her up in a limo and treated her to a royal evening, as her smile attests. Well done, Cameron. There are still gentlemen in the world, even the NFL.


Monday, May 9, 2016

Morning Coffee

  • John "Friggin" Kerry told graduates at Northeastern University that international barriers are "... nostalgia for some rose-tinted version of the past." It's encouraging to note that globalism is on its way out based on these words of wisdom since Big John gets it wrong pretty much 100% of the time. 


  • "I Am Going To Vote For Trump Though It Makes Me Want To Projectile Vomit" 

        Title of Kurt Schlicter's column in Townhall today. I must admit that I have been queasy          too as I consider the approach of the November election. 

  • Eurabia looms ever closer. "Britain’s largest Islamic charity says it wants to “break down barriers” and portray Islam positively by launching a new advertising campaign which will slap the phrase “glory to Allah” on the side of London buses."
  • Comrade de Blasio, the erstwhile Mayor of NYC, says that the Feds are refusing to bail out the banko island of Puerto Rico because the U.S. territory is populated by “people of color.” Ahem, Bill - looked at the national checking account balance lately?
  • And finally, the U.S. Army has been cut to its lowest number of active duty troops in 10 years, matching the lowest number since 1940, pre- WW II. Now we can celebrate this dividend of President Obama's policies that have made this world safe for peace and justice - this borderless paradise we all enjoy!

Have a good week!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Salem Visitor Today

Seen 4 times (so far) this afternoon shooting ILS touch and go's at Salem Airport. Attention all Obama conspiracists: Trump is in Eugene today. Just a coincidence? Kidding. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Give the Kid a Break

Lisa Kramer is an honorable mention All American volleyball player at the University of San Diego. She also saved a child's life at a shopping mall recently applying CPR. Pretty impressive, though not enough to get her hired at a local apparel retailer. Lululemon. I don't know, seems like the sort of kid to give a break. Makes one wonder what Lululemon's target market is. And why anyone would shop there.


(Tip o' the hat to Clover Stein)

The Affordable Care Act

Oregon Health Insurers Seek Double-Digit 2017 Rate Hikes

Headline in today's Oregonian. The two biggest carriers are asking for a 1/3 increase. That's 33.33%! Have even the slowest amongst us figured out yet that it was never about better health care? 

What is Truth?

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
2 Timothy 3:1-5