The 5 women with one exception are from foreign countries, in fact from countries that are some of the worst actors on the international stage. Two of the women are dead, including an American, having been caught in the grip of supreme evil, but the other 3 are speaking out and deserve the attention of the world. Regretfully, the silence is deafening, especially from their "sisters."
Take Berta Soler in Cuba. She leads the "Ladies in White" who protest the Cuban government's treatment of their loved ones as political prisoners for simply not agreeing with Communism. As a consequence, the article says:
"On almost every Sunday since the “Black Spring” of 2003, Soler and her compatriots – the wives, daughters, sisters, and mothers of Cuban political prisoners – have been arrested for carrying images of their wrongfully imprisoned loved ones to church and attempting to sit in on Catholic Mass in Havana. They have been beaten, dragged by their ankles, pulled by their hair, jeered, tarred, and forcibly abandoned hours away from their homes with no way of getting back on a regular basis under the Raúl Castro regime."
Funny, but I heard no professions this weekend of solidarity with this brave woman and those like her who really are being persecuted.
The stories of the other women are even more heart-breaking with rank injustice to women being the order of the day and even celebrated and yet nothing but silence in the United States. Apparently, ignorance is bliss and it is much more fun to get high on "solidarity" for a weekend than to focus virtue on situations that truly demand a courageous and persistent application of it. That is the conceit of a wealthy country, elevating the trivial at the expense of the heroic and thinking it is virtuous.