Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A Political Shaped Charge?

I'm back from a trip to the Carolinas - my they have a more conservative view of things down there - and one of the first things I read is a column by Victor Davis Hanson that asks a perspective changing question:

"In some sense (to adopt a taboo military metaphor) is Trump a sort of shaped charge? That is, is Trump’s combative coarseness the radiant outer shell that is necessary to melt through the deep state and bureaucratic armor so that the inner explosive of a conservative revolutionary agenda may reach its target intact?"

Good question and I suspect the answer is "yes."

A shaped charge is used by the military to direct all the explosive force of the charge toward a very small area to penetrate a hard shell such as tank armor and explode inside. It should be apparent to pretty much everybody that President Trump is impervious to the usual crap thrown up by Leftist critics and plows ahead to accomplish his goals. And thus far his goals have been laudable, as have his Cabinet appointments. 

A shaped charge relies on brute force that is focused and that seems to describe the President. The Federal government has hardened over the years to a point that it has seemed almost impenetrable and no longer subject to the will of the people - an immovable object if you will. Well, the immovable object may be meeting the irresistible force. The results should be interesting and spectacular.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day

I was reading a daily Bible mediatation yesterday, this one written by a woman. She was marrying later in life and after reading the various bridal magazines and lamenting the $70,000 "minimum" cost (wedding industry's suggested retail price of course!) of a wedding, she decided: "I didn't need to be a princess for a day; I simply wanted to be a wife for life." Not a bad idea for the groom to be equally dedicated on his part too. The wedding is not nearly as important as the marriage: if you start with a fairy tale wedding, it's likely to go downhill from there.  

Monday, February 13, 2017

Did You Say Something?

Gov. Jerry Brown of California has asked President Trump for Federal help with the flooding and possible disaster resulting from the Oroville Dam. Excuse me Jerry - say what? Isn't it California that wants to secede and doesn't need the rest of the country? Isn't it California that has told President Trump to "Go fish!" on sanctuary cities and a host of other issues? Nothing like a real disaster to cut through the crap and get down to basics, e.g., - if we don't pull together, we sink separately. Remember that Jerry and the rest of you yo-yos when this crisis has passed. 


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

If There is No God

Dennis Praeger tackles this weighty question and does an excellent job with it. One example:

"If there is no God, the kindest and most innocent victims of torture and murder have no better a fate after death than do the most cruel torturers and mass murderers. Only if there is a good God do Mother Teresa and Adolf Hitler have different fates."

Now that is a stopper - it's so, so unfair! Indeed.

There is a great deal of anger abroad, not only in this country, but in the world at large. I wonder, though despite the fact that it is directed largely at President Trump at the moment, if it isn't really fear sensed at a deep level that the logical result of secular humanist beliefs is that these people who have done away with God really don't matter - they have taken God out of the picture and now are no more significant than a piece of gravel on the ground. Somehow they know this at a deep level and it gnaws at them so they have to stay "safe" within the bubble of their self-created environment that there is somehow "good" and "right" or "fairness" despite the logical impossibility of such qualities existing in a Godless world. In effect, they are mad at the unfairness of existence without God and yet are angry at Him for making it so (even though He doesn't exist) and so their anger is transferred to the next best authority figure that they can see, Donald Trump. I wonder of psychologists would give a group rate? I think we may be witnessing a gigantic collective psychotic break which is only superficially about politics.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Death (Of Course) is the Answer

The executive director of the Sierra Club said last week that abortion:

“... helps to address the number of the people that we have on this planet. We feel that one of the ways in which we can get to a sustainable population is to empower women to make choices about their own families.

So now we can expect Hollywood comic book movies that the new super heroes are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Perfect. Kill the young, kill the old, kill the disabled, kill the Jews - it's always killing somebody (else) who is "dispensable" to get to utopia. Puts this guy in good company like Himmler and Eichmann. And it's always worked so well! Aw heck, go big - nukes will get the job done much faster. 


Friday, February 3, 2017

A Sadness Revisited

I just returned from a business trip to Dallas/Ft. Worth. While there, I had some time off on Sunday afternoon so I decided to go see Dealey Plaza and the Texas School Book Depository. You may not recognize these names but it is where the assassination of President John F. Kennedy occurred. Although it was a beautiful, almost Spring-like day, a pall of sadness seemed to hang over the site as I walked around to the various historical markers and looked out the 6th story window from which Lee Harvey Oswald fired his murderous shots. 

November 22, 1963. I was sitting in an 8th grade math class in the early afternoon that day when someone ran into the room and yelled that President Kennedy had just been shot. Our teacher pulled a small transistor radio out of his desk and turned it on. Within minutes a choked-up announcer said that the President had died. I remember looking and seeing tears running down the teacher's cheeks. The rest of us looked at him and each other not knowing quite what to think or say. I do remember thinking that this sort of thing does not happen in the United States, surely not in America. 

Or does it? Sara Jane Moore tried to shoot President Ford and John Hinckley did accomplish doing just that with President Reagan with near-fatal results. We have been fortunate since then that no successful attempts have been made, although it's anybody's guess how many have been stopped just short by the Secret Service and local law enforcement. Which brings us to President Trump. 

The political atmosphere in this country is absolutely poisonous. Public figures are outright inviting the next Oswald to take a shot at President Trump. If it happens, would there be the shock and sorrow of 1963 or rather rejoicing in some quarters given prominent and smirking billing in the media? I am not an optimist by temprament. What I do know, though, is that as I walked around Dealey Plaza in Dallas last Sunday and the sad memories came back, the assassination of a President is something that I never want to experience again in my lifetime.