Unhinged. And you thought things were bad when W was President? It was just a cake walk compared to the Left's reaction to Trump. Their frustration has totally unhinged them and they are Looney Toons frothing-at-the mouth crazy bit when they think about Trump, which is pretty much all the time. Since all their schemes to oust him from office have fallen flat, Victor Davis Hanson points out that they have resorted to this:
Are we reaching a point in the so-far-failed Resistance where little is left except abject violence in the manner of the Roman or French Revolution? The problem for Trump’s pop-culture foes is not whether to imagine or advocate killing the president. That’s a given. They just need to agree on the means of doing so: decapitation (Kathy Griffin), incineration (David Crosby), stabbing (the Shakespeare in the Park troupe), shooting (Snoop Dogg), explosives (Madonna), old-fashioned, Lincoln-style assassination (Johnny Depp), death by elevator (Kamala Harris), hanging (a CSU professor), or simple generic assassination (a Missouri state legislator).
Even Joe Biden wants to take Trump out back and give him a knuckle sandwich. Of course that assumes Joe can stop fondling the woman nearest him at the moment to do so.
In the meantime, for those of us who still work, the economy is doing well - unemployment is down, household income is up, consumer confidence is up, the stock market is up - what's not too like! Even in foreign affairs, his unorthodx style looks like it may be resulting in some reorientation of nations in a way that benefits the U.S. And therein lies the problem for the Left. As uncouth and at times just plain rude as Trump can be, what he is doing works and they come across as the little kid in the grocery store throwing a major tantrum in the aisle because his mommy won't buy him the Super Sugar Globs cereal. Which, come to think of it, is what their behavior actually is. Time to go to your room until you calm down. No soup for you!