Oregon lawyers must belong to the Oregon State Bar Association which is ultimately supervised by the Oregon Supreme Court. Membership in the American Bar Association (ABA), though, is voluntary. ABA membership is great for writing off trips to exotic destinations to attend educational seminars, getting gilt-edged certificates to hang on your office wall to impress clients, and other such important benefits. ABA executive ranks, however, have long since been taken over by leftists that use the prestige of the organization to support all the usual leftist causes and therein lies the problem.
A current example is the ABA executive council organizing a task force to assist opponents of anti-Sharia laws being passed in many states. Islam does not believe in a separation of church and state, which is a bedrock Constitutional principle of the United States. Iran, in contrast, is run by the mullahs who ultimately call the shots on all things religious and political under the Sharia law system. For example, chopping off the hand of a thief, killing a female family member who has brought "dishonor" to the family by falling in love with an infidel, and other similarly intriguing concepts of justice are hallmarks of Sharia law. Substantial Muslim populations have sprung up in England and Europe and they are agitating for Sharia law to be the governing law in their communities. Now some Muslims in the U.S. are actively pushing for the same thing here to supersede the current state and municipal law that applies and 14 states are pushing back by passing legislation that absolutely forbids it. It is the push back from the states that the ABA executive council is going to fight.
The absurdity of this position is manifest. How about Buddhist law for Asian areas, Catholic law for Irish areas in Boston and Chicago, Shinto law for Japanese communities, etc., etc.? The national motto of the United States is E Pluribus Unum - from the many, one. The left, however, is trying to deconstruct America in whatever way it can. One of our central unifying values as Americans is a common legal system that applies to everyone in this country regardless of race, creed, color or national origin, so what better way to bring the U.S. down than to subvert that system? It is ironic in the extreme that an organization supposedly dedicated to the rule of law is busily working to destroy it. It is also why, when my annual invitation to join the ABA arrives in the mail, I will unceremoniously drop it on the "round file" under my desk.
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