Here is another case out of Oregon City with Christian parents in criminal court for allegedly failing to treat a sick infant who died. This is a troubling issue for Christians and for Constitutional law - where is the line drawn under First Amendment law between the religious beliefs of the parent and the state's interest in the safety of children? A lot of ink has been used on this subject, but it's also important to look at the underlying faith issue as well.
Essentially what such Christian parents are saying by failing to seek medical treatment for a sick child because of supposed religious reasons is that God can't heal through doctors. This is not an expression of faith but rather quite the opposite. Taking it to the hyperbolic extreme, God has shown that he can use a jackass for His purposes, so most assuredly He can use doctors. God does heal directly and miraculously - I have seen it. But He also uses the many fine and skilled Christian doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel all the time. Should Christian parents seek out such practitioners to treat their children? Absolutely. But to limit God by refusing to take their sick children to such a physician? Never! It is not our prerogative to tell God how to do His work.
Very well said!