Friday, February 1, 2013

Random Thoughts

As Katie Pavlich notes, the NRA and others have been roasted for suggesting that armed guards in schools are the way to protect our school kids. After all, we have armed guards in our banks, jewelry stores, the White House - why don't are kids rate? The school shooting in Atlanta yesterday was stopped by a - yup, you guessed it - armed guard. Think about it.

  • The unemployment rate is up to 7.9% again. At this rate, we will all be working for the government in a year or two. Come to think of it, that may be Obama's strategy.,0,5056680.story

  • What's in store economically for Oregon? Why more of the same, of course! Here is what Oregon's Department of Economic Analysis is projecting for 2013:
"Expectations call for growth in the coming few months to look like the growth we have been
experiencing: slow. Although the fundamentals underlying economic growth remain strong,
uncertainty continues to weigh on both businesses and households. Given weakness among our leading trading partners, and an uncertain federal policy environment, many firms are reluctant to take the risk of expanding their operations despite ample resources and profits. Similarly, households remain reluctant to make large purchases until their future job prospects become more certain."

  • Since the economy is doing so well, President Obama disbanded his Jobs Council (President's  Council on Jobs and Competitiveness). It was created in 2011 as a forum for business leaders to have input to the President on things like strengthening the economy, job creation, and enhancing America's competitive position in the world. Sure glad that's all been accomplished!

Enough of this - seize the weekend and enjoy the Super Bowl. This will all be here on Monday.

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