Thursday, May 22, 2014

Everything is Fine, Fine...

Here is a GDP chart for the last 2 years. Despite all the assurances that our economy is improving, the figure to the far right shows that this is not true. CNN cheerfully assures us that it's probably because the 2014 first quarter was so cold in much of the U.S., but then why did Canada, which was much colder, do well? Cue the crickets. Or why did 800,000+ Americans simply quit looking for jobs last month? That, of course, improved the unemployment numbers because the pool of people searching for jobs shrank, but was it an indicia of an improving economy? I think not. 

Despite all the tap dancing from the politicos, the American economy is barely alive and barely sputtering and wheezing. It is a sign of the underlying resilience of our economic system that it is kicking it all, but the Feds seem intent on centralizing all economic activity in the government and marginalizing the private sector whatever the cost. You can see very graphically part of the cost in this chart. Idiots.    (Chart)

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