Friday, October 16, 2015

Rules, Schmools

We're from the government and we can do whatever the heck we want.

"Two professors of public policy conclude that governments are more likely to violate environmental regulations than private owners. 'Publicly-owned facilities are more likely than similar privately-owned facilities to violate regulatory requirements under the CAA [Clean Air Act] and the SDWA [Safe Drinking Water Act],'as their recent study notes."

1 comment:

  1. And in the same vein... we're from the government and we will never get enough of your monehy for all our pet projects... Vote NO on the Transit tax! And turning to the City of Salem.. Two years ago the people won a decisive victory when we stood up to the City Council and staff and said NO to an increased utility fee. The city's argument: "For a mere $2.42 a month we can fund street slurry and street light bulb changes... for the kids safety..." We called it a tax... the city attroney eventually had to agree and it was tubed.... well until we were all sleeping and this past winter guess what? The city councel passed ( without resistance) 2 "fee" increases on our water bill ( Ulitilty bill ie tax).. One for slurry and one for bulbs! The people are being nickel and dimed to death. We have to stop them.

