Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Colossal Fraud; A Colossal Failure

You probably know by now that the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Obamacare as constitutional on a 5-4 decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts. Obamacare was always sold as grounded in the Commerce Clause (Art. I, Sec. 8) of the Constitution. When this argument got into trouble in the courts, the DOJ added the argument that it could be justified under the taxing power of Congress. Of course the problem with this argument was that throughout the legislative process the Obama Administration and its Congressional allies had gone to great lengths to deny that this was a tax. Now, it has been upheld on just that basis.

The simple word for all this is "FRAUD." There has to be some level of trust between the government and its citizens and here we have the biggest piece of legislation in decades that is nothing more than the world's biggest con job. An ordinary citizen would go to jail over what was done here. The bill was created behind closed doors and rushed to a vote. No member of Congress even read the whole bill. As Nancy Pelosi famously reminded us, "We have to pass it to see what is in it." Then it was the Court's turn.

The Supreme Court is uniquely supposed to deal with justice, but when this gargantuan con job came along, it too fumbled its mission.  The Court did declare the Commerce Clause as an unconstitutional authority for the legislation, but then upheld it under Congress' taxing authority. Essentially, by giving credence to the taxing clause as the basis for Obamacare, the Court became a party to the fraud. It could easily have said that nowhere was the taxing clause ever cited as the basis for the legislation and therefore the Court was not going to recognize this argument. It could have, but it didn't, and so we now have a colossal fraud on the American people perpetrated by all three branches of government. It is a sad, sad day in American history that such a thing could happen. Total system failure.

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