Friday, June 8, 2012

Guilty Pleasure

Okay, I admit it: Joe Biden is one of my guilty pleasures. I was upset with Obama winning the 2008 election but I consoled myself with the fact that Joe Biden would provide comic relief. I haven't been disappointed. 

Perhaps my favorite Biden moment was when he asked a guy in the balcony to stand up and take a bow at a political rally. The look on his face, and his subsequent spin control, were priceless when an aide leaned over and whispered in his ear that the gentleman was a paraplegic. You just never know what Old Joe is going to come up with. Shoot, Old Joe himself doesn't know what he's going to come up with until it has come up. Jonah Goldberg comments on this practical problem for President Obama:

"It's a fascinating weakness of this presidency: Obama has no reliable surrogates. Joe Biden is the vice president, and 90 percent of his job description is to be a carnival barker for his boss. But, particularly since Biden forced the president's hand on gay marriage, it's apparently dawned on the White House that Biden is less than dependable as a wingman. Sure, he might begin a statement by saying, "This president saved us from another Great Depression." But you never know if he'll finish by adding, "My neighbor has three rabbits," or, "These are not my pants."

Truer words have not been spoken and that is why Joe has been - and will remain - one of my guilty pleasures.

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