Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Rodney Dangerfield of Pay TV.

I was trying to arrange television service today for my mother who is moving to assisted living. In so doing, I had to contact Comcast and had totally forgotten how really miserable its "customer service" (Army intelligence?) is. 

It started with 10 minutes on hold. I finally connected with a pleasant young lady who could sort of speak English. She kept telling me how much she appreciated me calling Comcast while consulting her "system."  After an indecent interval she told me she was sorry but there was no Comcast service available at that location. Really? I politely told her that I didn't know what her system was smoking but I knew for a fact that the facility is pre-wired for Comcast as the sole provider and I had seen residents actually watching TV. That totally stumped her and so it was time to transfer to a HIGHER "customer service" level, God help me! Unfortunately, God was apparently otherwise occupied because after 7 or so minutes of banal music, an electronic voice informed me that they were unable to handle my call at this time and then cheerily disconnected me.

Yup, that's why we left for DISH in 2006 and never looked back. How this company stays in business is beyond me. Inertia is a big driver of the market I guess. 

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