Saturday, February 20, 2010

You Will Obey Me!

Bill Maher has been getting my goat recently. From "Americans are not very bright..." (Larry King) to "I like the troops in the same way Michael Vick likes his dogs," Maher is an arrogant little ... well, I"ll let you finish the sentence. What is interesting is that Maher is only the Hollywood end of a much broader political phenomena.

The Weekly Standard has an interesting article about how the Left is coming undone and blaming - the American people! In a word, we don't know what's good for us. Consider some of these gems cited in the article:

"In a blog post titled “Too Dumb to Thrive,” Time magazine’s Joe Klein cuts to the chase: 'It is very difficult to thrive in an increasingly competitive world if you’re a nation of dodos.'"

"...Kurt Andersen in New York magazine. 'American democracy has gotten way too democratic.' The 'thoughtful, educated, well-off, well-regarded gentlemen' who designed our Constitution 'wanted a government run by an American elite like themselves.' But the 'populist impulse' abroad in the land today has scared legislators into obeying the people’s demands.'"

"In 2008, in Hot, Flat, and Crowded, Thomas Friedman dreamed of America becoming “China for a day” so that he could impose his environmental agenda on a truculent populace. In a 2009 New York Times column, Friedman wrote that a dictatorship, 'when it is led by a reasonably enlightened group of people, as China is today,' has 'great advantages' over democratic systems."
(Ed. note - see my 9/14/09 post)

Are you getting the picture? The liberal elite know better than the "masses" and therefore the people should shut up and do what they are told for their own good. Interesting approach. Let's see, as I recall kings have tried it, dictators, mullahs, etc. How has elitist government fared historically?

The founders of this country knew perfectly well how it had fared without even having yet met Hitler, Mao or Stalin, and they designed a limited form of government with checks and balances on power to prevent it from happening here. It isn't really the American people that the Left is against - it is the very idea of America itself as a society where government is restrained to allow the individual the opportunity to flourish that they hate. The totalitarian impulse originates in the idea that "I (or we) am better!" and this explains why it is always arrogant, and when it does not get its way becomes nasty and ultimately ruthless. We are now in the "nasty" stage.

The American people are far from dumb and recent elections demonstrate their common sense - a quality almost entirely missing from the Bill Mahers of the world. I'm placing my bet with the people. As William F. Buckley once famously said, "I'd rather be governed by the first thousand names in the Boston phonebook than the Harvard faculty." I agree.

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