Saturday, January 18, 2014

Mini-Ice Age?

Short answer - who knows? Scientists have at least raised the possibility. In the 1600s something called the "Maunder Minimum" occurred when sun spots were at their lowest level then observed. Europe had a mini-Ice Age replete with oddities like England's Thames River freezing over. The bottom line is that the weather is going to do what the weather is going to do and it appears to be much more directly tied to what that giant star does that sits 93M miles away from us than the puny efforts of man. All this baloney about "climate change" is just that - baloney and man will have to adjust and adapt, as he always has and not suffer from such a case of hubris as to think that by outlawing incandescent light bulbs we are going to change the course of anything except our ability to read a magazine in our own houses.

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