Thursday, January 9, 2014

This is Where We Are Headed

Do you wonder why Obama and Reid and Pelosi and so-called Progressives have focused on healthcare as the central piece of their agenda? It's because they can sink their tentacles of control into every aspect of our lives - it's for our own good as we are too stupid to know what's good for us. Here is an example of the degree of control imposed in the EU:

"The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration recently discovered that Danish cinnamon rolls and twists contained more coumarin — a chemical compound in the most common variety of cinnamon — than EU rules allow. Excessive intake of coumarin can cause liver damage.
So the agency asked Danish bakers to reduce the amount of cinnamon they sprinkle in the dough for sweet treats like the "kanelsnegel" (cinnamon roll) and "kanelstang" (cinnamon twist).

Danish bakers protested, saying the EU limit is too strict, and would make it hard, if not impossible, to make their cherished pastries

Who cares if Danish pastries can't be made any more - it's what's best for you that counts! No sweet rolls, no Coke, no this, no that, jump higher, roll over, fetch, give me your paw! Is this where we Americans want to end up? Not this American.

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