Sunday, January 12, 2014

You Killed Beethoven

The story goes that a medical school ethics professor gave a case study to his nascent doctors as follows: the mother is pregnant and has TB; father has syphilis; 4 children already, one of whom has died and another is terminal. What do you recommend to the mother regarding her pregnancy? The majority of the class said "abortion." The professor congratulated them saying "You just killed Beethoven."

Now a movie has been made about this story, Crescendo, by Jason Jones who has produced award-winning movies like Bella and The Stoning of Soraya M. The executive producer is Justin Bieber's mother, Pattie Mallette. It is an exceptionally well done short film and drives home why every life is special. Jones own story is interesting.

At age 17 his girlfriend became pregnant. Her father forced her to abort the baby and to this day Jones mourns the decision. Their daughter would have been 23 years old had she lived. The pain of this tragedy is etched most vividly in Bella but it has also led to a general reverence for life in Jones' other works. As we have become more and more a visual culture, this is the type of work in which people can understand most clearly what is good, and right and true. May Mr. Jones prosper in his life's mission.

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