Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Foreign Policy Made of Pixie Dust

From the Washington Post (not exactly a conservative journal) on Saturday:

"Now Ukraine has emerged as a test of Obama’s argument that, far from weakening American power, he has enhanced it through smarter diplomacy, stronger alliances and a realism untainted by the ideology that guided his predecessor.

It will be a hard argument for him to make, analysts say.

A president who has made clear to the American public that the “tide of war is receding” has also made clear to foreign leaders, including opportunists in Russia, that he has no appetite for a new one. What is left is a vacuum once filled, at least in part, by the possibility of American force.

“If you are effectively taking the stick option off the table, then what are you left with?” said Andrew C. Kuchins, who heads the Russia and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “I don’t think that Obama and his people really understand how others in the world are viewing his policies.”

Rarely has a threat from a U.S. president been dismissed as quickly — and comprehensively — as Obama’s warning Friday night to Russian President Vladi­mir Putin


Which is why China is supporting Russia in its invasion of the Ukraine and why Japanese territory and the South China Sea are next for similar treatment by China. We have a treaty obligation incidentally to defend Japan that we don't have with the Ukraine. Obama, in backing off the world stage is backing right into a major conflict that does not have to be but because he sees the world as filled with fairies and rainbows is now almost inevitable. 

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