Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Crony Capitalism at Work

I always thought that "Fisker" made good scissors and other cutting utensils. It turns out that is "Fiskar" and "Fisker" makes electric cars, or rather made electric cars. 

As you can see from the picture, the Fisker is clearly designed for the broad American middle class market which is probably why the Obama Administration made a $529M loan guarantee for the company in 2009. Place your bets ladies and gentlemen! Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Actually, with this Administration it's mostly lose and lose it did here. The Chinese bought the assets of the company and left the debts which total $139M. Guess who gets to pick up that tab? That's right, the guarantor of the loan, none other than you and me and the rest of the American tax-paying public. 

And you wonder why we are broke.

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