Monday, March 24, 2014

Not Making the World Safe for Democracy

Although the U.S. has been decreasing defense spending, so has NATO in general and this does not bode well with regard to Putin, the Iranian mullahs or China. The NATO action in Libya a few years ago was ample proof of the problems being created. Both Britain and France ran out of precision-guided munitions in the campaign, as well as battlefield reconnaissance assets (drones) and had to prevail on the U.S. to lend a hand. If a military campaign against a third-rate power was this much trouble, one can only imagine getting into it with a serious foe like Russia. Even so, most of the countries listed and Canada, which is not listed, are still cutting their defense budgets. To put it mildly, collectively the Western powers are not making it safe for democracy and the bad guys of the world know it. Expect further episodes like Ukraine, Part Deux.

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