Saturday, March 29, 2014

Something to Think About

No, I'm not a paid spokesperson for PJTV but it's a website that you should definitely bookmark and maybe even shell out $5/month to join. 

One of the the real strengths of the internet has been to break the stranglehold of the mainstream media (MSM - aka "Old Media") on the flow of information and opinion. PJTV is among the best of these sites. It is informative, funny, and perceptive. It is also visual. We have become a very visual society and PJTV adapts to this while many older conservative sites are still wedded almost entirely to the written word. 

You can choose from a wide and constantly changing smorgasbord of political, cultural, historical and other menu items. Trifecta is a "don't miss" item for me. Glenn Reynolds runs longer segments and is not afraid to put scholars on and let them talk - and ask them tough questions. Bill Whittle in his Afterburner segments can be scholarly, funny and incendiary. Author Andrew Klavan is fascinating to listen to for his cultural and artistic observations.

The bottom line is: use it or lose it and this is a website that deserves to be well used by people concerned about the future of this country. 

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