Monday, March 31, 2014

Equal - Ve All Must be Equal!

"Jawohl mein Kapitan!" Which is the response the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights expects from a school in Michigan to its edict to tear down a new set of bleachers built and paid for by parents so they could see their sons' baseball games better. The problem? The girls' softball team did not get a new set as well and this was, harrumph, UNEQUAL! 

Well, maybe the girls' parents should get off their patoots and do something about it. Or maybe they don't mind it "as-is." Whatever, but this shouldn't be a Federal case. 

As the father of three daughters who played sports, an equalization of sports' spending and opportunities by schools is a good thing, but this was a parent-led effort and the Feds should keep their hands the heck off the situation. It is, however, a perfect illustration of liberal philosophy that it is better for everybody to be miserable together than to have someone take the initiative to (gasp) better themselves and their situation. Decrepit schools and other public facilities in cities like Detroit are not an aberration but part and parcel of the liberal mindset. Let's do our Orwellian exercise for the day shall we: Misery is Happiness, Misery is Happiness. C'mon now, repeat after me!

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