Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Hero Can't Go Home Again

If you haven't seen the movie Hotel Rwanda, you should. It's the story of the horrendous genocide in Rwanda while the world sat on its hands. Paul Rusesabagina is the hero of the story for his monumental efforts in saving 1,268 of his countrymen from grisly deaths by giving them sanctuary in the Hotel Rwanda compound where he worked as the assistant manager. He is definitely the real deal.

Unfortunately, he cannot go home again. Now living in Texas, he had to leave Africa because of his unrelenting criticism of corrupt and dictatorial regimes that led to this bloody disaster in Rwanda and other African nations. Rwanda is commemorating the 20th anniversary of that tragedy but has a new dictator in place who will not allow him to be there for fear that he will use it as a forum to discuss unpalatable ideas like peace, freedom, and respect for others. Thus far, the vaunted "international community" has not lifted a finger to apply any pressure to let him make the trip. 

Some things, sadly, never change. Nothing, however, can dim the heroism of one man who made a huge difference at a very dark time. 


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