Monday, April 28, 2014

The Bridges are Falling!

Highway bridges have indeed collapsed - Minneapolis and New York come to mind - but did you know that the percentage of deficient bridges has been steadily falling for some time? I didn't. 

Take a look at the chart at the left. While there are certainly bridges that need attention, perhaps the scare stories are meant more to inflame than inform and push voters to approve big public works projects that enrich big contractors, big unions, and the enhance the care and feeding of politicians. A cynical view! Maybe, but one to which I might have to plead, "Guilty." 

Perhaps the real problem is that the pols are spending public money intended for bridges and roads on other things to buy votes and periodically have to mend fences with the construction folks but have no money to do so. The Columbia Crossing project comes to mind in Oregon.

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