Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What's the Gut Say?

I like Greg Greg Gutfeld. He is smart, well read, unpredictable, unafraid to mix it up, and funny. He was interviewed by Breitbart California because he was born and raised in San Mateo in the Bay Area. Commenting on politics in the Golden State, he had this to say:

"Breitbart News: Can you see a future scenario where California turns red again? If so, what would be the catalyst? If not, why not?

 Gutfeld: Sometimes things happen because there are no more alternatives. At a certain  point, the sun comes up, and all the drugs have been used, and you're broke, and you gotta  clean up the house."

True story. And if you expand it to the entire United States that's a pretty good description of how I feel as the end of the Obama Administration approaches. It's just too bad we have to trash the house like this every so often. 

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