Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Buckley Rule

The late William F. Buckley, a man of impeccable conservative credentials, said that he always voted for the most conservative person who was electable in any political race. Monica Wehby, the Portland pediatric neurosurgeon running for the Republican nomination to face Jeff Merkley, has been taking a lot of heat recently from pro-life forces because she apparently is not resolutely enough against abortion despite her Catholic faith. That may be, but between she and Jason Conger, her competition, she is a person of integrity with a worldview much different from Merkley's and much more likely to carry votes in the Portland metro area and therefore more electable. Take a look at the video and see what you think. Applying the Buckley Rule, would you rather have a person representing you in DC like Dr. Wehby, who you might not be in total agreement with on all issues, or Jeff Merkley with whom you disagree with on pretty much everything? This is not a tough choice. 

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