Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Today's Hmm... Moment

The animals are getting out of Dodge, 'er Yellowstone Park, that is. A 4.8 earthquake hit the park on March 30 and since then supposedly 1/4 of the elk herd has vacated the premises and the video in the link below shows buffalo doing the same heading right down the road. 

Yellowstone is, of course, not only a national park but the epicenter of one of the world's largest super-volcanoes. The potential impact zone is shown in brown on the graphic. If this baby goes up a sizable chunk of the U.S. will go with it. It is true that animals often get funky before major natural calamities and it is well documented that the lava dome is slowly rising throwing the lake, for example, out of kilter. Whether this is the Big One remains to be seen, or if it is anything at all, but seeing buffalo and elk presumably head for Hawaii is a little disconcerting. Let's see, I haven't read Revelations for a while...


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