Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Knife at Your Child's Throat

Arrogant atheism is a danger to this country. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn famously described Communism as “atheism with a knife at your child’s throat...” An earlier writer, de Tocqueville, recognized the corollary of this when he attributed the uniqueness and genius of the American political system to the deep religious impulse in the American people. As Proverbs 111:10 says, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. 

We have been blessed over the years to have had a substantial number of leaders who at least to some degree believed this verse and the country has consequently enjoyed the fruits of their belief - the will to power has been checked. It seems that now, however, the well has run pretty much dry, and those who would be God are in the ascent. Soon enough, they will present themselves to "save" us and guide us to "utopia" as only they can. Without a return by many to God, the source of all goodness, we can expect the knives to our children's throats as has happened so many times throughout history and instead of utopia, hell will again reign.

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