Wednesday, February 19, 2014

No Hay Sopa para Ustedes!

Perhaps you have noticed that Venezuela is descending into chaos as its vaunted socialist paradise courtesy of the late and not so great Hugo Chavez sinks into the muck, as socialist paradises always do. Rachel Marsden writing in Townhall has noticed and pens an amusing column about what the American response should be: Nada. She writes:

"Here we go again. Yet another country full of voters who foolishly bought into the socialist pipe dream of endless nanny-state freebies is noticing the check coming due. Facing hyperinflation and shortages of necessities like toilet paper, Venezuelans are spilling into the streets, pleading for Captain America to rescue them from their own chronically poor voting choices. Sorry, amigos, but it's not America's problem."

Probably good policy advice. It certainly will be the case for the U.S. when our check comes due - ain't nobody else big enough to pick up the bill.

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