Sunday, February 2, 2014

True Grit

Under the heading of "Everyday Heroes" is Dr. Zenko Hrynkiw, a neurosurgeon in Alabama. He got a call that a hospital patient 6 miles away needed emergency brain surgery. He jumped in his car and set off for Trinity Medical Center but only made it a few blocks because traffic was at a stand-still due to the snow and ice that hit the South last week. Hrynkiw said he was told that if he didn't get there, the man would almost certainly die and he vowed, "Not on my watch." He jumped out of his car and walked the nearly 6-mile distance to the hospital, did the surgery, and saved the man's life. 

That's the Right Stuff and that's what America is about, not the fluff that makes the headlines today. I hope a new generation of Americans learns to embody this ideal - we need it.

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