Monday, February 17, 2014

It's for Your Own Good - Part II

It is not difficult to see why religion poses such a threat to the Ruling Class. Anyone or anything that purports to know better about what is best for the people must be fiercely resisted and even destroyed because, of course, it is a counter worldview to that of the Ruling Class. Consequently, there is great hostility to religion and active persecution where possible. Even in this country, with the shield of the First Amendment, the judicial establishment has reinterpreted it to effectively mean freedom from religion, not of religion, there is a persistent and vigorous effort to marginalize Christians and Jews and keep them from having any impact on public policy. The IRS is the most recent tool used in this regard and despite exposure in the media and table-pounding in Congress, the illegal persecution continues against Christian and other non-profits.

Why should this matter to Christians? After all, Jesus did say that in this world you will have tribulation.  But He didn't also say to ignore it. Christians are called to be salt and light to the society around them and it is a simple truth that a society that tries to run on Godly principles simply runs better for all citizens than one that does not. History teaches that Ruling Classes start bad and always get worse. That is why God was so reluctant to grant the Jews request for a king in the Old Testament. He eventually acceded to their demands and to put it mildly, the record of the Kings of Israel is with very few exceptions, awful. 

Humans, being who we are, want more and more of everything and this is what a Ruling Class does at the expense of the rest of society. They abuse power, wealth, culture - every area of life - and sink into decadence until they are so revolting and abusive that society finally does revolt and overthrows them (French Revolution) or an outside power(s) does the honors (Hitler's Germany). Biblical values such as humility, honesty, concern for others, a strong sense of stewardship and responsibility for what God entrusts to us are all very positive attributes for a society and its politicians. The mode du jour is, however, very Nietzchean - we don't need no stinkin' restraint, we are the Kings of the World! The Bible and history say otherwise and if we are to be faithful Christians and good citizens it is incumbent on us to do our best to prevent a similar fate befalling the United States. 

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