Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Gov Gets Caught

No, not Chris Christie - John Kitzhaber. Gov. Kitzhaber's skating on the Cover Oregon mess may be ending. KATU in Portland (ABC) has put investigators on the trail of what happened and caught the Gov in a totally non-credible statement. Specifically, in a televised interview Kitzhaber said that he did not know about the mess until "late October" which is totally unbelievable because the lid blew off the scandal on October 1, 2013. Further, there had been a series of reports to the Executive Department for 2 years warning of major problems. We are thus presented with the situation that Kitzhaber either completely ignored the burgeoning problems with Cover Oregon, a complete dereliction of his duty as Chief Executive, or he was complicit and lied about it. That could be criminal. In either case, that this guy is even thinking about running again for governor shows the contempt in which he holds Oregon voter. 

Well done KATU! Keep up the good work. Reporting like this will help bring the change in Oregon's politics to keep our elected officials really accountable.

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