Monday, February 3, 2014

Frankly Scarlett...

I do give a *%*! which is why I respect Scarlett Johansson's fighting back in the whole dustup over her SodaStream ad during the Super Bowl. 

By Super Bowl standards the ad itself was pretty ho-hum - Scarlett pitches a DIY soda maker as she changes from a white lab coat into a slinky black dress and closes with a seductive sip on a straw. A huge dust up has arisen, though, because SodaStream is an Israeli company and all the usual (and anti-Semitic) suspects have gone into full howl for her A-list skin. 

Johansson has been on the Oxfam board which allegedly promotes "social justice" and is really a code word for throwing the Israelis out of Israel and letting the Palestinians take over. Oxfam is part of the "Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions" (BDS) movement which is for the same sort of "social justice" and it is bound and determined to make Johansson pay the price. The only problem is that the truth of this particular situation doesn't support their professed goal, although it cuts against their real objective.

Johansson cooly issued a statement in response to all the hoorah that sets the record straight:

" 'While I never intended on being the face of any social or political movement, distinction, separation or stance as part of my affiliation with SodaStream, given the amount of noise surrounding that decision, I’d like to clear the air,' read the statement. 'I remain a supporter of economic cooperation and social interaction between a democratic Israel and Palestine. SodaStream is a company that is not only committed to the environment but to building a bridge to peace between Israel and Palestine, supporting neighbors working alongside each other, receiving equal pay, equal benefits and equal rights. That is what is happening in their Ma‚Äôale Adumim factory every working day.' ”

And here I thought you were just another pretty face. You've got some chops girl standing up to these international bullies and posers. Well done.

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