Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Maybe

Dr. Ben Carson, who I respect greatly, was speaking in Portland yesterday on behalf of U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Monica Wehby. She is also a pediatric neurosurgeon in Portland and is in the Republican primary for Sen. Jeff Merkley's seat in November. She has a slick website and I like what she says on it, but she does not say enough yet. 

A little research thus far reveals that she is pro-life (good) but realizes that the U.S. Supreme Court has the final say on this subject (realistic). She does not like Obamacare and has produced a Carson-like alternative that is a good starting point for a follow-on after the Affordable Care Act is repealed. That's about it, though, and there are many more issues that I would like to know more about before pitching in with her camp. It is encouraging, though, that we may have a bright, capable and conservative candidate to challenge Merkley, who is a high-octane Progressive. Time for a change.

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